Chapter 1

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*Listen to When I Saw You by Bumkey while reading this chapter*

I was just twelve years old when I came to Seoul all by myself. I'm not sure what I was thinking at that age to go off by myself, but I had a dream. There were a lot of opportunities for me in Seoul. I wanted to be a rapper, singer, and dancer. My parents thought I was crazy for wanting these things and didn't understand it. I saved all the money I could and I bought my plane ticket. I left home at twelve years old and arrived in Seoul pursuing my dream.

After arriving in Seoul, I went to SM Enterntainment. I had done my research before leaving and knew they were starting a training program for a new group. I was hoping that everything was going to work out because I had nothing besides my belongings in my suitcase.

The people at SM thought I was really young, but that was my advantage. Being so young meant that I could easily learn so much. I was up for anything and I told them what I was good at. I auditioned with everyone else and the judges were actually impressed with my skills.

At the end only six of us were left and we were put into the group, SHINee. I was put into a group with five older boys: Junghyun, Onew, Key, Minho, and Taemin. Being the only girl and the youngest was kinda weird, but I was happy. I was in a group and I was going to be doing what I love. I got to live in the building in one of their apartments because I was so young and the boys had their own down the street. I stayed in mine, while the boys gradually got their own. For the rest of our training before we debuted, I was placed with Minho. We were both the rappers in the group, so they wanted us to train together.

I started developing feelings for Minho as we trained. Everything about him was perfect and cute. I wanted him to be mine when we got older. The other four boys were like brothers to me and I was the little sister. As soon as the word sister came out of Minho's mouth, I was disappointed, but I never stopped liking him.

During training I got super close with Jonghyun and he became my best friend. We would go to each other for everything and support each other. He was the only one I told about my crush on Minho.

When it came time for our debute we were all excited and also nervous. Were people going to like us? We walked on stage for the first time and a man introduced us to the big crowd that came to see us.

"I would you all to meet the newest group from SM Entertainment, SHINee! Meet Jonghyun, Onew, Key, Minho, Taemin, and Tabby!" The crowd had cheered for us and I remember feeling so happy. Now I think back and ask myself, how did I do all that? I was only twelve years old. It amazes me that I've done so much and it also makes me proud. I wouldn't have been able to do any of it if it wasn't for my group.

Now I'm twenty-two years old and it has been eleven years since SHINee debuted. Our group is doing so well and always doing better than before. My friendship with the boys has only grown stronger as time goes. And guess what I still like Minho. My crush for him has just grown over the years and I swear it growns more everytime I see him. Minho has certainly grown up to be an attractive man. Everytime I watch him dance it makes me warm all over. I'm super attracted to him and of course he still just sees me as a sister. It's frustrating for me to be around him and not be able to kiss him or touch him because he doesn't feel that way. I just want to be with him.


I'm sitting next to Jonghyun on the floor of our practice room. We are watching the other four boys dance. I start watching Minho dance and bite my lip. The way his body moves is just so attractive and he looks so good. I turn my head to look over at Jonghyun.

"How can one person be so hot?" I ask him quietly. Jonghyun chuckles and looks over at me.

"You're still watching him?" He asks me. I nod and smile.

"Of course I am. Do I look like that when I dance?" I ask him. Jonghyun smiles.

"Yes you do." He tells me.

"How can you say that when you're my brother?" I ask. Jonghyun chuckles again.

"I am also you're best friend and I can affirm that you look good dancing." He tells me. I smile, then start to frown slightly.

"Then why doesn't he see me as anything other than a 'sister'?" I ask him. Jonghyun smiles.

"I think he's hiding it." He tells me, then looks back at our group members.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Just watch his reactions around you. I think he's hiding that he likes you." He explains. I look over at Minho dancing. Is that what it is? I start to smile. I guess I need to pay more attention. The song that the boys were dancing to ends and Jonghyun gets up. He holds out his hand to me.

"Come on. Lets join now." He says. I nod and grab his hand. He helps me up and we both walk over to the boys. We take our spots for the next song. We practice for the rest of the day together.

After practice I head out into the hallway to go to my apartment here. The boys comes walking out behind me and they start to pass me.

"You did great today." Taemin tells me with a smile. I smile.

"We will see you tomorrow." Key says. I stop before going down my hall. Jonghyun stops in front of me. Minho looks back at me. He smiles slightly and waves. I wave back and look at Jonghyun in front of me.

"You be careful going home." I tell him. Jonghyun smiles.

"I will. I will see you tomorrow." He tells me.

"I love you." I say and hug him. He hugs me back.

"I love you too. Now get to bed." He says and lets me go.

"Yes sir." I say and we both walk our separate ways.

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