Chapter 2

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*Listen to Fly Away With Me by NCT 127 while reading this chapter*

I wake up to Jonghyun's voice. He is calling my name and I groan and cover my face with my arm. He has always come to wake me up every morning. I hear my bedroom door open and then I feel Jonghyun lay on my bed next to me. I look over at him and he is smiling.

"I made you breakfast sleepy head." He says. I smile softly.

"Thank you Jonghyun." I say. He smiles and gets up.

"You're welcome. Now take a shower, we have practice today." Jonghyun tells me. He leaves my room and I get up. I grab a crop top and shorts to wear to practice and head into my bathroom. I take a shower and get dressed. I brush my teeth and braid my hair.

I walk out of my room to find Jonghyun at my table eating food. A plate is waiting for me across from him. I smile and walk over to the table. He looks up at me and smirks.

"Oh Minho is going to love that." He says. I sit down across from him.

"Yeah right. He always tells me to wear something else." I say. Jonghyun smiles.

"He likes you." He says then starts eating again. I start eating too and look at Jonghyun. How can he be so sure?

We both finish eating and we walk out into the hallway. As we are walking to our practice room, I notice Minho walking ahead of us.

"Morning Minho." Jonghyun says a little loudly. Minho stops and smiles as he turns around. His eyes land on me and he glances over me.

"Tabby, go put some clothes on." He says to me. I roll my eyes and walk past him to go into the practice room.

"I am in clothes." I tell him as I walk in, followed by Minho and Jonghyun. Onew, Key, ans Taemin are already here and turn to us when we walk in.

"What are you wearing?" Onew asks.

"Nothing that you haven't seen me in before." I say and take my spot for practice.

"What if people see you?" I hear Minho ask.

"What people? I only see you guys." I say. I look over at Jonghyun and he frowns slightly. He looks at the other guys.

"Okay stop. Let's practice." He says. I'm getting frustrated and I suddenly turn around to face all the boys in the room.

"Why am I always seen as the little sister?" I ask them all and look at each of them.

"Because you are." Key responds.

"You're not to me." Taemin says and I look over at him. Well that was unexpected. I glance at Minho and he is looking at Taemin. He looks like he is glaring at him.

"I'm not a little girl any more. I'm twenty-two and I can wear whatever the hell I want." I tell them all and turn back around. I want to get this practice started. The boys are silent behind me before Jonghyun breaks it.

"Let's practice." The boys all join me and we start our practice. As we practice I notice Minho glancing at me. I also notice the other guys looking at me every now and again. Probably wondering if I'm okay after my outburst.

After a couple hours of practicing we finally stop for the day. I notice Taemin leaving first and I walk quickly to catch up to him. I start walking next to him and he looks down at me. He smiles.

"So back there.. When did that happen?" I ask him. I want to know when he started seeing me as more than a sister. He shrugs.

"I'm not sure. It wasn't at first." He says. I nod. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure." I say and look at him. He smiles.

"I'm making a music video for one of my songs soon and I wanted to see if you would dance in it with me." He explains. I stop walking and look at him excitedly.

"Really?" I ask. He nods.

"I thought you would be a great partner in it." He says.

"Of course I will! What song is it for?" I ask him. I listen to all of Taemin's music along with the other boys.

"Press your number." He says. I smile even more.

"That one is my favorite." I tell him.

"We will start filming in a few days." He tells me. He starts walking again. "I have to go, but I will see you later." I wave as he starts walking away. I watch as he walks down the hall. Footsteps come up behind me and suddenly there is someone on my back. I turn my head to see Jonghyun looking at me. I'm not surprised. I smile at him.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask him. He smiles at me.

"Want to get something to eat?" He asks me. I nod.

"Yes please." I say. Before I can move Jonghyun wraps his arms around me and places his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about earlier." He says softly. I shrug softly.

"It's okay. It had to be said." I tell him. He nods.

"You're right." He says and quickly pecks my cheek while letting me go. I smile and turn around.

"Let's go eat. I'm so hungry." I tell him. Jonghyun smiles and links our arms together as we start walking.

"We should watch a movie at our place after." He says. I nod and smile.

"Sounds perfect." I say.

We leave SM and walk down the street to our favorite place to eat. We get our food to go and we come back to my apartment. We both plop down in my bed after Jonghyun picks the movie. We sit next to each other as we eat and watch the movie. After I finish eating I set my food on my side table and I lean my head against Jonghyun's shoulder. This is a normal routine for us most nights. I would never ask for a better friend than him.

 I would never ask for a better friend than him

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