Chapter 3

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*Listen to I Won't Let You Go by Got7 while reading this chapter*

I wake up with Jonghyun still laying beside me. He is normally the first one to be up. I sit up and look over at him. I smile and lightly shake him. We both need to get up. We have a show today and we need to get ready. Jonghyun opens his eyes and smiles slightly at me.

"I must be tired." He says. I smile and get out of my bed.

"It's okay. You need sleep." I tell him. I know he stresses a lot because he is our leader and that is a lot of responsibility. I grab some clothes and head into my bathroom. I quickly take a shower and get dressed. I fix my hair and brush my teeth before coming back out into my room. Jonghyun is up with some clothes that he keeps here, in his arms. He smiles as he passes me to go into my bathroom. I walk out of my bedroom and go into my small kithen. I start making us some breakfast. I set it on my table and take a seat. I start eating as Jonghyun comes out to join me. I smile at him when he sits down.

"Thank you for breakfast." He tells me. I nod.

"It's no big deal, you make it for me most of the time." I tell him. He smiles and starts eating his breakfast. After we finish eating, Jonghyun looks at me again.

"If the guys give you crap again for what you wear I'll..." He starts to say, but I cut him off and laugh.

"You'll what mister tough guy?" I ask him. He smiles.

"You know me too well. You got it covered." He says. I smile and nod.

"I sure do." I reply. I stand up and get both of our plates. I wash them real fast before we get ready to leave. Jonghyun meets me at my door and we walk out into the hall together. We walk out the front doors of SM and see the other four guys waiting for us. They all turn to us as we walk over to them. Everyone smiles.

"Our car should be here at anytime." As Jonghyun says this a car pulls up in front of us. Minho walks over to it and opens the door. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Ladies first." He says. I smile and get into the car first. The boys follow me in and we are on our way to the venue.

My heart thumps faster as we get closer to the venue. I have been doing this for awhile, but I still get nervous before every show. I just don't want to disappoint our fans. We do our very best for them, always.

We drive up to the venue and our driver stops. The boys open the door and get out. I slide out and see Jonghyun waiting for me. He takes my hand and leads me through a group of people outside the venue. One of the boys always helps me inside to make sure nothing happens to me on our way in. They have always been protective of me ever since the beginning.

We get inside and I leave the boys to go into my own dressing room. There are ladies waiting on me to do my hair and makeup. I immediately sit down and they all start working on me. The ladies are quick and just as they are finishing, my designer comes in. I stand up and she hands me a white dress on a hanger. I take it from her and go into the bathroom to change. I put on the dress and look at myself in the full length mirror in front of me. The dress goes to my mid thigh. I use my hand to smooth it down and I smile.

Minho will definitely not like me wearing this, but I can use it to my advantage maybe. I smirk at my reflection and step out of the bathroom. I walk out of my dressing room and see the boys waiting for me. As soon as I walk out they all turn to look at me. Jonghyun smirks at me when he sees me. Minho looks me up and down and shakes his head.

"Damn." I hear one of the boys whisper. It sounded like Taemin. Minho steps forward.

"You can't wear that." He tells me.

"Why not?" I ask him. Here we go.

"It's way to short. What if something happens?" He asks me. I shrug.

"It won't. I know how to dance in them." I reply.

"She looks fine." Jonghyun adds. I smile at him.

"Guys out there will go crazy to see under it." Minho keeps going on. I roll my eyes and start walking down the hall.

"You'll like it though." I say quietly. Jonghyun walks with me.

"What did you say?" Minho asks from behind me. Jonghyun laughs softly.

"Nothing." I reply. As we walk down the hall I do my best to walk with my hips. I'm hoping this is working on Minho. We all get to the side of the stage and wait for the stage crew to tell us we can go on. Jonghyun turns to me and offers me his fist to bump. He smiles and I bring my fist to bump his.

"Good luck out there and great job back there." He whispers the last part to me. I smile.

"Good luck to you as well and thank you." I say. The stage crew comes over and tells us its time. We all walk on stage and our fans start cheering. A smile forms on my face when I see them all and we start performing for them.

As we perform I try to pay attention to Minho. I think his dress is working on him because he's been looking at me a lot.

Our show finishes quickly and we all walk off stage. I start walking back to my dressing room.

"Go change out of that thing." I hear Minho say loudly behind me. I give him a thumbs up without looking behind me.

"Yes sir." I mutter to myself. When is he going to see me as a woman? It's starting to really annoy me now.

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