Chapter 11

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*Listen to Tell Me What To Do by Shinee while reading this chapter*

That night I go looking for Taemin and Minho. I'm worried about the both of them. They got in a fight because of me and I feel bad about all of it. I'm mostly worried about Minho because he was trying in there with me and got punched for it.

I walk down the hall and that's where I find Taemin. He's leaning against the wall. I walk up to him and he looks over at me. He smiles softly at me.

"You okay?" I ask him. After I ask him, I search his face. He has some cuts and bruises on his face, but he seems fine. He nods in response.

"Yeah. Are you?" He asks me. I look at Taemin and nod.

"I'm fine." I reply. "I'm going to find Minho." I turn slightly to leave.

"Don't go. Don't go to him." Taemin stops me and I look at him again.

"I need to go to him."

"After everything he's done to you?" He asks and I about turn around and walk away.

"Taemin, you can't tell me who to love." I tell him. He frowns and I turn away from him.

"Tabby.." I hear him say softly as I walk away. I do feel bad about walking away from him, but I need to see Minho. I need to make sure that he is okay.

I walk back down the hallway and turn the corner. I find Key standing outside the men's bathroom.

"Have you seen Minho?" I ask him. Key looks at me and points to the door in front of him.

"He won't come out and he won't let anybody in." He tells me. I look at the closed door and then at Key.

"You go and let me try." I suggest. Key nods. I take his spot in front of the door and I wait until he leaves. I knock softly on the door.

"Minho?" I take the handle and open the door slowly. I go in and carefully close the door behind me.

"Go away!" Minho's muffled voice says loudly. Minho is sitting on the floor against the wall. His head is in his hands. My heart breaks seeing him like this.

"Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere." I reply. Minho lifts his head up and looks at me. I walk over to him and kneel in front of him. I search his face. He seems to have got the worst of the fight. I very softly lay my hand on his cheek and he winches. I frown.

"I'm so sorry." I say softly.

"It's not your fault." He tells me. We look at each other and our eyes lock.

"I feel like it is. None of it would have happened." I say and stand up. I look around the bathroom and grab some paper towel. I get it damp and kneel in front of him again. I start to softly dab the cuts on his face. He flinches once, then looks at my face as I work.

"How are you so strong?" He asks me. I start to softly smile.

"I have some great guys that I've looked up to who taught me how to be strong." I reply and our eyes connect again. Minho starts to smile. He lifts his hand and rests it on my cheek.

"I'm sorry for everything you've had to go through." Minho whispers. He lightly rubs my cheek with his thumb. He starts to lean forward and I lean in to meet him in the middle. Our lips touch softly.

Minho wraps his arms around me and moves me closer to him. I end up on his lap. His hands roam and find their way under my shirt. Electricity runs through me as he touches me. Minho takes both sides of my shirt and lifts it over my head. He pulls away from me slightly and his eyes look me over.

"You're so beautiful." Minho says softly, then looks at me. I smile. "Can we go to your apartment. I want to show you how beautiful you are."

I smile and nod my head. I stand up and offer my hand to him. He takes my hand and grabs my shirt along the way. He hands it to me.

"Nobody can see you like this except for me." He says. I smile more as I put my shirt back on. Minho takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom. We go to my room and he locks the door behind us. He pulls my shirt over my head again and his lips find mine. He lifts me up and places me on my bed.

My pants come off next and he throws them across my room. Minho leans down and starts kissing different parts of me. I watch him as he carefully kisses me. He comes to my stomach and stops. He looks up at me.

"Be mine." Minho says softly. I bite my lip and nod my head.

"Yes." I reply in almost a whisper. As soon as the word leaves my lips, Minho is on top of me and his lips crash into mine. My hands find his hair and I pull on it slightly. The moan that Minho makes, makes me warm instantly.

Our bodies mix together for a couple hours. I never want this to stop. I want to always feel this way with him and only him.

In the middle of the night, Minho gets up and starts to take a shower. I lay in my bed and smile. I'm finally feeling happy after everything that has been going on. I think Minho and I needed each other to find the happiness we both needed.

I get out of my bed and walk over to my bathroom. I stand in the doorway and watch Minho. He looks over at me through the class and winks at me. I can't help but bite my lip as I start to smile.

I think I love him.

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