Chapter 5

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*Listen to Soldier by Taemin while reading this chapter*

I wake up the next morning to my alarm. We are going to an award show today. We are performing first and we are announcing one of the winners. I'm kinda disappointed that Jonghyun didn't come to wake me up this morning, but I am sure he is busy trying to get ready for today. He is always busy because he is our leader. Jonghyun has to be stressed.

I get out of my bed and grab my clothes to wear before they put our award outfits on us. I go into my bathroom and step into my shower. I let the hot water roll down me and my mind goes Minho and what I told him yesterday. He has no idea how much I want us to be together, but at this point I'm starting to get my hopes up.

I turn the water off and step out of the shower. I dry myself off and get dressed. I put my hair up and brush my teeth. I walk out of my bathroom and head to my front door. I'm just going to eat when we get to the venue. After I walk out my door, I turn and start walking down the hall. I head over to our practice room and open the door. My group members are already here. I smile at them all and join them in the middle of the room. Jonghyun turns to me and smiles.

"Are you ready for tonight? Do you need to practice anything?" He asks me. I smile.

"I'm pretty confident that I'm ready." I tell him. He nods.

"I thought so. We don't need to go through our songs." Jonghyun tells us.

"Can we go to the venue now?" Key asks. Jonghyun nods.

"Yes. We are ready." He tells us. Key, Onew, Taemin, and Minho all leave the room. I stay with Jonghyun and grab his hand as we leave the room.

"I was disappointed I didn't wake up to you this morning." I say to Jonghyun and look up at him. He smiles softly.

"I'm sorry. I had a meeting with SM about the award show." He tells me. I smile.

"I figured. They work you too hard." I say. Jonghyun brings me closer to him and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"All of this is worth it though." He says. I smile and side hug him as we walk. We exit SM and get into the car that is waiting for us. The other boys are already in the car of course. They must be really excited about the show. I am too.

Our car starts moving and I look out the window as we go. I don't care how long I've been living here, I will never get tired of this city. Our ride to the venue is short and our driver stops the car in front of the venue. The boys get out first and then I do. When I step out, I'm surprised to find Minho waiting for me. He holds his hand out to me and smiles.

"It's my turn to escort you inside." He tells me. I place my hand in his and my heart instantly starts beating faster.

"Are you okay today?" He asks me. I look up at him and nod. Oh god please don't bring up yesterday. I cringe internally.

"Yeah why?" I ask him. He just smiles and shrugs.

"No reason." I look away from him and let his hand go as soon as we get inside. I go into my own dressing room and the people inside get me ready for the performance right away. My hair and makeup is done and my designer puts me into high waisted shorts and a white crop top with a white leather jacket.

I meet the guys out in the hall and we all walk together to the stage. The stage crew lets us go on and everyone in the crowd starts cheering as we come on. We perform our songs and I'm having so much fun. I take some time to wave at people in the crowd and interact with them. This is what I love about my job.

As soon as our performance is over we rush back into our dressing rooms and we get ready for the rest of the show. I sit down and try to catch my breathe. My hair is being curled and fresh make-up is being applied to my face. My designer comes in with a dress. I smile as I stand up. Its beautiful. I am helped into the dress and I look into the mirror in front of me. The dress is a soft brown with sparkles all over it. The front has a deep v neck and the back is open and has long sleeves. I am in love with this dress.

I walk into the hall again with a smile on my face. The boys are already waiting for me. Jonghyun smiles when he sees me.

"Well look at you beautiful." He says. He offers me his arm and I wrap my arm around his. We start walking down the hall to the stage to announce a winner.

"Why did they put her in that?" I hear Minho ask. I just ignore him and keep the smile on my face. We wait by the side of the stage for our go. A man comes over to us and looks at us.

"Are you all ready for this? You know what you're doing right?" He asks and looks at me as he says the last part. I nod my head. Of course I know.

"You better know." The man mutters. I frown slightly. What an asshole.

"And you better shut up." I hear Minho hiss. I glance over at him and he is glaring at the guy. I smile again. We are told to go onstage. We introduce the next category, Best Album. BTS won and we congratulate them. I go back to the back while the boys go to our seats. I walk down the hallway and see Minho standing in the middle of it. I guess not everyone went to their seats. He turns to look at me and looks at my dress.

"How are you okay with wearing that?" He asks me.

"Its pretty and I don't chose what I wear, the same as you." I tell him.

"You could say no." He says. I shake my head.

"I'm not going to argue with you here." I say. He comes a little closer to me.

"I don't like you wearing these things." He tells me. I frown at him.

"Why do you care? You said you don't like me." I reply. Minho looks down at me.

"I don't like the way people look at you in it." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask him. Why is he showing interest all of a sudden. Tears of frustration are starting to pool in my eyes.

"You're beautiful and only one person should be able to see you like this." He says softly. I look at him and some tears slide down my face.

"And who would that be? Don't you think the person who thinks that should tell the other how they feel?" I ask him as more tears fall down my face. He is so frustrating.

"I'm sorry." Is all Minho says. I look at him.

"You're a asshole." I tell him softly before walking away. I walk down the hallway a short distance before running into someone's chest. I look up to see Jonghyun looking back down at me.

"Jonghyun please take me home." I softly say. He wraps his arms around me and nods.

"Of course." He says and kisses the top of my head. He takes my hand and leads me away.

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