Chapter 13

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*Listen to Our Page by Shinee while reading this chaper*

The next morning I really didn't want to get up. I am all kinds of tired. Yesterday was way harder than I thought it was. Going into Jonghyun's apartment and seeing all his things was hard on me. I wasn't expecting it to be that hard. Having Minho with me and next to me helped me a lot. I'm happy I have him. I don't know if I will ever be able to tell him in words how much I appreciate him being with me during all this.

Today is the memorial concert for Jonghyun. I get to sing the song that wrote for him today. I hope it goes well and I hope he will be proud of me. This will be the first time I'm singing and not rapping during a song. I'm nervous, but I'm also feeling confident about it. I want this day to mean a lot to us, Jonghyun, and our fans.

Minho is out of bed first and goes into the bathroom to take a shower. I get up after him and grab a t-shirt and shorts to wear before our show. Minho comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I look him up and down and bite my lip softly. Minho sees me and smirks.

"Do you like what you see?" He asks. I smile.

"Always." I say. I start to pass him to go take a shower. He gently grabs my arm and stops me.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I look up at him and nod.

"Just tired. Yesterday was a bit much for me." I tell him honestly.

"Are you going to be okay for tonight?" He asks. I smile softly.

"Yes I will be. I have to be." I reply. I see him frown and I look away from him. I walk into the bathroom and I suddenly feel his arms wrap around me from behind.

"You make me so proud, but I also don't like seeing you like this." Minho says softly.

"I have to be strong for Jonghyun. He doesn't want me to be sad forever. I love him and miss him so much, but he's always going to be by my side. He's the one giving me strength to go on." I explain to Minho.

"I love you my strong princess. I'm by your side now to help give you strength too. I will be here always for you." Minho tells me. I turn around in his arms to look at him. I search his face.

"I'm totally and utterly in love with you." I say softly. Minho starts to smile and leans his head down.

"I'm happy to hear that we feel the same." He says and softly kisses me. He pulls away from me and smiles.

"Now take a shower, so we're not late." He leaves me in the bathroom and I take a fast shower. I get dressed and put my hair into simple braids. I walk out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. Minho is not in here. I hear noise coming from my small kitchen and walk out of my room. Minho turns to me with a plate in his hand. He smiles when he sees me.

"I made you breakfast. I know Jonghyun used to make you some every morning." He tells me. I smile at him as my heart melts.

"Thank you." I say softly and take the plate from him. I sit down at my table and he joins me. We both eat in silence and then clean up.

Minho grabs my hand as we walk out of my door and into the hall. We walk to the front doors and walk outside. The other three guys are here and waiting for us. Taemin glances at us when we walk out. I'm sure he is still upset with me and Minho, but I don't know if I honestly care right now. Let him be mad.

A car arrives to take us and we all pile into it. Minho keeps my hand in his the whole drive to the venue. I'm starting to realize that Minho is the same comfort level that Jonghyun was. I find myself sighing happily. I'm happy even though Jonghyun isn't with me. I'm happy now because I have Minho beside me now.

Our car arrives at the venue and Minho helps me out. We all go inside and down a hallway. The boys and I split ways when we get to our dressing rooms. I sit down and the makeup artists starts working on me. She gives me a natural look and then starts on my hair. She curls it slightly. I stand up and I'm handed the dress I'm wearing. I put it on and look in the mirror. It's a long white dress that flows around me whenever I move. I smile at myself in the mirror. We are all wearing white today in honor of Jonghyun and this dress is beyond perfect.

I leave my dressing room and go into the hall. The boys are waiting all in different white outfits. They all look very handsome today. I stand next to Minho and he smiles.

"You look beautiful." He says. I smile.

"And you look handsome." I tell him. He intertwines our fingers. We walk together to the stage and wait for our cue to go. The song I wrote will be the very last song that we perform today. I'm feeling ready for this. We are going to make Jonghyun proud.

We get onstage and start by thanking all of our fans for everything. They have always been big support. After that we get right into performing some of our favorite songs and some of Jonghyun's favorites too. The fans are singing along and I see some are crying. We are all in this together. We all share the same emotions right now.

It's time for my song. I stand in the middle of the stage with my four members around me. We all have microphones in front of us and beside me is another microphone for Jonghyun. I look over at his spot before looking ahead at the crowd.

"I wrote this song for Jonghyun. It's called Our Page." I tell everyone. The music starts and the boys around me all start. I told them they could start my song and all have a part in it. After their short part it's all me. The guys take their microphones and leave me alone onstage with Jonghyun's microphone. I start singing with all I have.

"The pretty words you left behind become a poem, become a song. Our voices are flying, we know it’ll reach you wherever you are." I sing with all the emotion that I feel. The fans are crying and I'm starting to cry too. I look over at his stand again as I finish the song and I just let the tears run down my face. I hope I made you proud.

A hand grabs my arm and turns me around. Minho is standing in front of me. He leans down and our lips crash together. The crowd starts to cheer. Minho wraps his arms around me and all I feel is warmth. I'm happy, I'm finally happy.

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