Chapter 8: New Direction But Is It Good or Bad?

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Prince Frederick's friends has somehow decided to adopt me in their circle. Me being his childhood friend, they seem to be intrigued about me and the term 'they' is actually Sirius because somehow Sirius dragged the rest of the boys into this situation. Not that it concerned me or anything since I was confused to how the trope turned out this way.

Carlos was giving the rude attitude at the beginning, he still is, since he was the ever loving knight-in-shining-armor of Angelina's so in his eyes I was still the "evil-schemer" he believe so much. In the end I never mind his pissy remarks when we were together. His attitude somehow reminded me of a angry kitten, the more you ignore him, the more he wanted attention from you. He's such a pain in the ass really.

Oliver on the other hand was a sweetheart. He's really loving and gentle. I somehow wondered his original love-interest towards Angelina was because he view her as a close-friend due to how she was the first person to not judge him of his gloomy dark appearance. However, since he tagged along with the others and met me often, he began to open up to me with more conversation and began to be comfortable around me. Which was nice because he's such a gentle person and he has this aura like that makes you want to protect him.

Rory was an odd one. He didn't speak a lot and looked like he zoned out a lot but he's nice to me so far. I found out that he's a bit quirky. Once during lunch time I commented about the structure of the road in the sky when we talked about airplanes and he suddenly took out a sketchbook and drew the image of "roads in the sky". I was so surprised by that action and was reminded that Rory had an affinity of artistic quirk so that is why he would draw his vision quickly on to a sketchbook when he had an idea before he forgets it.

He has cool art though.

Maximus or Max, as he likes to call himself that, was that typical attentive person even though he seemed to be the quite type. He spoke on how he was the oldest child in his family that he wanted to train as a knight like his father but his mother placed him in the Magic Academy so that he could branch out his abilities not only on sword and martial arts but also magic to make him stronger than before. He is having trouble with his studies so he usually asks Rory or Fred to tutor him at times but since he found out that I had decent grades, he sometimes seek me out to help him with his studies and homework. He seems like a good student who tries his best so I didn't mind helping him out whenever I had the time.

Sirius...Sirius is someone that I don't understand whether I should take him sirius-ly or not.


Okay but for real, I think his personality is strange. I'm mostly confused to how he seemed very flirtatious with girls and boys in general but at times he would change dramatically to this scary guy whenever his mood is down or upsetting. Maybe people had different ways to handle their emotions but personally I think Sirius is a tad bit odd. But he's nice so far to me and I don't really care about his mood swings yet. But at times, Sirius likes to dig in questions that seemed personal about me and Fred, even though it was silly.

"So your parents decided to make you to be his highness friend when you were young?" Sirius asks.

We were currently spraying water from our wands in the greenhouse. The science club were growing some magical medicine plant to cure light sickness so we had to water the growing plants everyday. I was on watering duty for the day when Sirius joined me when he saw me watering the plants and helped me out.

Though I wanted to relax by myself while watering the plants, having someone help out was nice too. But Sirius then asked me more questions.

"Yes. My parents were the King's friends when they were younger too so perhaps it was also the reason they wanted me to accompany Fred when we were younger."

Sirius hummed. "So you were Fred's best friend then? How cute."

I chuckled. "It might seem that way to a lot of people but we're not that close to the point we call each other best friends. Besides we only hang out for a while when were children. It is embarrassing to think back to those times when I was a little. I was just a stupid kid who wanted to be the "one"  for Fred that I made him my pretend boyfriend." I laughed lightly, thinking back to the pictures I saw back at home of the prince and I being close together.

Speaking of back then, it would be quite tragic for real Anna to find out that she had been replaced with soul of a careless girl who likes to cuss a lot in her body. The Anastasia Frost in people's eyes might look at her entirely different than before.

"I'm glad you and Freddy are still good friends. I was getting worried for a moment that you both were not in friendly situation." Sirius commented.

I agreed with him. "Previously I thought Fred hated me because I might seem to be annoying to him but he told me how he sees me as an important friend, I'm happy to know he's okay with me now. Despite my embarrassing actions in the past when I was little."

Sirius and I laughed. He smiled as he stopped the watering spell from his wand and added. "Freddy is such a hardworking guy but I'm afraid he still have expectations for him to fulfill as his duties as the Crown Prince of this kingdom. So...he needed his friends to be there for him."

I stopped my watering spell and looked back to Sirius. Watching how his face had become blue, he continued. "I may be his best friend right now but...I still feel like there is something missing to fill the void of Freddy's life. I had been looking for it everywhere but then I realized that a miracle could really happen in the least situation you can expect." He stated.

I grew confused by his words. Somehow Sirius had turned this conversation into something deep and that I needed to decipher further. Sirius looked back at me with an expression that was entirely different from his warm facade.

"Have you heard about the Dawn Era?" He asks.

I had to suppress myself from jolting from his question. The Dawn Era was one of the bad endings in the game that was the most unfortunate. During this ending progresses, the Starlight Dynasty had come to face a dark foreign being that was taking over the Roland country rapidly, destroying everything it touches. The crops grew bad, natural disasters were striking, diseases started spreading, evil monsters were crawling out from the forests to the city, people were dying - it was all due to the bad miasma spreading  from the dark foriegn being.

Roland had gone through this dark time previously during the time when countries had gone through war and the only way to overcome this dark matter was to bless the land with the power of the Saintess. This is when the chosen Saintess must perform a ceremony to cleanse the bad miasma that was spreading through an ancient spell. After the spell was performed, the healing light from the Saintess power had spread throughout the whole and cleanse the bad miasma and the foreign dark being into nothingness therefore the kingdom was saved. The era was called the Dawn Era.

However in the game, in the route of Prince Frederick in the Dawn Era, the heroine was not able to help the Crown Prince in time to gain the powers of the Saintess and therefore the dark foreign being had entered the castle's territory and killed Prince Frederick.

So for Sirius to ask her about the Dawn Era sent shivers to her spine and and an eerie tension raised in the air.

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