Chapter 4: Hello Nice To Meet You, I'm an Idiot.

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I should have notice it the first time I wake up. I knew that there was something weird when I think about my name closely.

Anastasia Frost. Platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, and dainty features that reminds me that the girl in my reflection is not really me. I was definitely Asian yet the girl in my reflection shows that I'm not. Which is weird because it feels very uncomfortable to see a different face when looking in the mirror. What did they call the feeling of being uncomfortable with your body?

Because I'm an idiot, I didn't realize that I've realized it sooner because how could I tell with such realistic surroundings that I was actually in the body of the Villain character from the otome game I played the night before I got here. What was it called? Doki doki...something? What a mouthful name for a game. I can't put my brain logic to work because how in the world did I get into a game? Also why in the body of the villain character!

This must be a joke but it really isn't anymore because I'm already Anastasia and I still don't know how to get back to my original world.

As I continue look on the mirror, I realized that I'm just really stalling for the entrance ceremony for my very first day of high school. Like in the game, the storyline starts when the heroine enters high school with doki doki feeling of what great things she can experience in her new school. But the more I thought about it, isn't it okay if I wasn't the heroine instead?

First, I'm not interested in love. Second, Magic is way too awesome for me to miss about it. Third, I'm not interested in love - wait, I already said that. Anyways the main point is, I may reincarnate into a character but I can just ignore the storyline, right?

In this game, unlike the mentioned otome games Miyoko spoke about, the capture targets weren't engaged or anything besides Prince Frederick who used to be Anastasia's childhood "boyfriend" back when they were little so in the original storyline, Anastasia was very jealous of the heroine who has Prince Frederick attention as well as the other popular guys at school for giving all their love towards her.

Since Fred really isn't interested in Anastasia in the storyline, I can break off any plot with the main characters of the game and continue my life normally. I will not become Anastasia the villain girl - I'll just be me.

What a good idea!


So I attended first day of school and was dropped by my dad who was on his way to his office. My father kissed my forehead before he bid me farewell and wished me luck for my first day of school. I smiled in return and hurry to check which class I got into and hopefully see if my first day went smoothly.

It was during the entrance ceremony, everything was going smoothly before the speech of Prince Fred giving his opening remarks about new journey of high school was interrupted. Even looking from the line of the students below the stage, I could see how good looking the capture target Prince Fred looks. His strawberry blonde hair and enchanting purple eyes, he had amazing facial features of a prince-like aura and an amazing charisma. Even before he opens his mouth, the girls around me were already swooning by his voice that gives so much brightness to his prince-like appearance. During the opening ceremony speech by the Prince, suddenly the entrance door was opened loudly by a girl who clumsily fell on her face when she got through the room. There was whole five seconds of silence before the whole room broke out in laughter when they looked back to see the girl still face planted on to the floor.

Ah, I recognized that hair. It's the classic "heroine-making-an-entrance" style to capture everyone's attention. I looked at her blonde hair and shiny blue eyes, already knowing that her appearance will capture several hearts among the lined crowds. The girl stood up and bowed afterwards before she joins the line at the end of a class. I bet she's still embarrassed making such scenes.

Prince Fred didn't make any comments regarding to what just happened seconds ago, probably didn't want to create a scene as well, as he smoothly continue with his speech. I bet that heroine entrance was already capturing Prince Fred's attention already.

Whatever. I can't wait to learn more about magic and see what else I can do to regain Anna's past memories.

After the entrance ceremony ended, it was time to go to class. Homeroom class was basically the students being introduced to one and another and the teacher introducing the syllabus to what the students in their year are going to study. Just as I got to the classroom and get on my desk, I notice that several of my male classmates already surrounded the heroine as they entered the classroom. I ignored the scene and opened my phone to play on some tweeting app. At least I won't be that bored when internet is around. Since my homeroom teacher is still not here yet, so the students were given free time to do anything they want.

I tried really hard to ignore the scene on the edge of my vision where the heroine's desk is being surrounded by male students were trying to get to know her and ignore how several girls in my class were already giving glares towards the heroine for being such a "attention-brat".

I tried really hard okay, it's not like I want to get into their plot of storyline.

"Hey." I looked up to my right side to see a guy looking at me as he stretch his hand out to me, "Since we're going to be seatmates, let's get to know each other."

" name's Anna." I said as I shook his hands. The guy had green and messy curly hair with round glasses.

"My name is Chris. Nice to meet you." He replied before he let go of my hand. "So are you okay? You look kind of pale since earlier."

Chris, a total stranger who will become my seatmate, was able to point out my nervousness from my face. I must have looked very awful.

"I'm fine, it's just that I'm sort of nervous about attending school and...meeting people." I replied.

Chris chuckled, "I understand. First days of school are always scary in the beginning but you'll get used to the routine after a while."

I nodded. "Thank you...I just hope I don't screw up much. I'm excited about learning more magic though."

Chris agreed. "Me too. Though we may have more theory stuff first we do actual practical classes until we are in the third year but I heard we're able to attend flying lessons in our year."

I sat straight from my seat. "Really? Flying lessons?"

"With broomsticks or carpets. The traditional objects, I guess. We're not allowed to fly with cars or bikes yet in our year."

"What are the other things you were looking forward to?"

After a moment, I had a nice conversation with Chris who turned out to be a good seatmate. He was able to provide me with other information that was sort of like a necessity to what students at this school needed to know. Including the gossips.

"You're interested in Techno-magick?" Chris asked, his face shows a surprised expression.

I felt sort of embarrassed to think about it but I absolutely love the idea of combining magic and technology. It was like Marvel Asgardian world too. But of course I couldn't say that in reality so I settled with an embarrassing acceptance. "Yeah. Knowing how magic and technology works at the same time is really cool. Besides can you imagine all the cool things we can build? Super dope."

Chris smiled and leaned onto his hand on the desk. "They really say not to judge people by their appearance. Who knew noble ladies would be interested in Techno-magick."

I rolled my eyes at his statement. "I'm sure many people including girls would try out for Techno-Magick. It's nothing new."

Chris chuckled and agreed. "Pretty cool then." Before he added, "It's odd to hear you speak like that. Most noble girls don't really use informal language and use such words like 'dope'."

Ah of course. Since Anastasia is a noble herself and even though this world is in a modern setting, such rules and society still exists like a pain in the ass. Why can't we all talk comfortably in the end.

"I'm not really comfortable using formal languages to be honest. Besides, we're friends aren't we? I'd like to shed that image of nobles being stiff and polite and just let us be free on our comfortable space." I replied.

Chris gave a smile in his reply. "I'm glad you're my current seatmate, Anna."

A Not So Villainous Girl [UNDER REVISION - HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now