Chapter 16: No One To Save You Now

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Like a cold snowy morning, the air felt cold and sharp through my nose and my lungs but there was a terrible tang of metal lingered. That was the first thing I realized when I see myself in the middle of a rugged down town with no one around. Even though it looked like it was still the afternoon, the sky was covered with blanket of grey coat and dark ashes flew over my head.

I had no idea how I got here or when I got here. When the coldness took over my body from the glass, I supposed that it could hurt me just like what it did to Angelina. I could be wrong and seeing myself in a dream-like state with how unfamiliar the scenery looks around me. Perhaps I passed out from the heavy magic and this was just a dream from my blackout.

But everything felt too real to be just a dream.

Perhaps it was a drawback from the spell during the ceremony. I still had no idea with what just happened.

I stood for where it seems like the centre of a ruined town. Buildings built with bricks torn down to the ground, there were no signs of living around me and nothing showing me of anything ordinary. Just this cold and empty-like nuclear aftermath, it looks horrible.

I timidly take few steps and walked forward, hoping to see where I could go. It feels weird going through this. I was alone and all by myself in this broken town where it certainly looked like a previously lively place but now just empty and destroyed. My heart was beating super fast and I felt the tension of uneasiness running along my skin however something in my mind tells me that I have to go forward.

Forward. Forward. Forward.

Passing by the buildings, I noticed several things that were out of places. Like how the plants wilted into ugly purple color, the ground filled the cracks with maroon blood, dusty vision that made me unsure of where the road can lead me to.

The houses were empty and so does the streets. It looks like nobody was here and a hopeful glimmer in my chest prayed that the people who lived here survived from whatever disaster came upon them.

"Go straight."

I whipped my head around by the sudden call of the voice. Almost tripping myself in horror, no one was around me for the moment.

It sounded like someone just told me to go straight but who did.

"Go straight. Keep walking."

It speaks up again. It sounded foreign, like a child guiding a lost animal going back home. Maybe I was the lost animal.

"It's okay. Keep walking."

"Alright..." I whispered. Man, the voice was kind of impatient. I was just thrown here out of nowhere and even though I'm not panicking, despite being lost, I felt uneasy being by myself.

Even though there was nothing but a view of an empty field, I kept walking forward.

Then the view blurred in front of me, caught me off guard as I tripped my feet and fell to the ground. Finding myself to fall on a earthly soil ground instead.

I was surprised but nothing horrified me more after the yells of men echoes around me. I tried to sit up bit then the earth below me shook, my knees giving out to fall down back again to the ground as loud booming noises surrounded me, almost ringing my eardrums off. The shaking ground comes on several times before I saw several people running besides me and continued forward.

I gritted my teeth and forced my legs to stand up. The ground was still slightly shaking and I had no idea what was going on or where I was.

I looked around me and saw myself in a burnt forest. With trees dried and withered like there was no speck of life and the sky turned grey like a nightmare. However, the real nightmare turned out to be what was appearing behind me, miles away from my position.

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