Chapter 14 : Missing facts

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I was waiting for hours and hours for Hector to come back, but he still didn't come. I started to wonder what could happen to him but I decided to wait a little longer.

3 hours later...

He still didn't come back. So I went to look for him, but where? I searched everywhere in the town. Nothing. Where could he be?

I sat down on a rock, thinking. I looked up at the hill. There! He must be somewhere in the hill.

I climbed up and searched the hill.


"What was that?" I mumbled

Crunch! Crunch!

"H-hello?" I asked, standing still, ready for an attack.

The noise sounded like someone walking towards me.

"Hector?" I shouted

I started to see the figure. It was a girl, not far from my age, a little taller; she had light brown hair and pale brown eyes.

I took a stick from the ground and was ready to point it to her when-


"Berna?" I asked.

"Horix?" she asked

"Oh, it's you!" I cried and ran to hug her, dropping the stick.

"Oh, I was so worried about you, are you okay? What happened? I thought you were dead" she said.

"There's no time to explain, I need to find Hector, and where's Dad?" I asked

"He's... he's dead," said Berna sadly. "And  who is Hector?"

"He's a boy I met; I will explain everything after I find him" I replied.

We walked searching for Hector. I was so sad that Dad was dead, and I couldn't believe that we were abandoned, alone, in the big forest. But I know as long as we were together, we could do anything.

"Berna, did you see a boy or anything that looked like a beast?" I questioned.

"No, nothing," she replied. "But I did hear a sound though"

"Really?! From where?" I asked

"I'll show you," she said leading me to a dark cave in the hill.

"Wow, it's very creepy in there" I commented. "Are you sure it came from here?"

"Yeah, I'm sure" she replied

"Then let's go in," I said.

"What?!" Berna asked, surprised

"Well if you don't want to come you can stay here and wait for me," I said

"Oh no, no thanks I'll come with you" she replied shakily.

The cave inside was dark, humid and smelly. I imagined this must be where the beast lives. In the cave, we saw carcasses of dead animals on the ground.

On the way, I told Berna about how I escaped and couldn't find her and how I found Hector and how we went to find the lost town. She also explained how Dad died of sickness and how she found a way here in this lost town.

"I walked and walked for hours until I stumbled upon an old town, so I decided to explore it and well I saw you" explained Berna




"What-what was that?" muttered Berna hiding behind my back, using me as a shield

"It's them!" my voice echoed through the cave.

I heard a voice.  That voice, it was Hector!

I ran into the large platform and hugged Hector. Honestly, for no reason, I just missed him.

Berna stood there. Still. She stared at the huge platform surrounding her. And for the first time, she saw the beast. She was tong-tied. I ignored her reaction and focused on Hector.

"Are you okay? Why did you take so long?" I asked

"I'm sorry, but this monster isn't easy to beat," he said. "Now, I need to take care of it, would you mind moving? And get out of here, it's dangerous"

"NO!" I said, simply. I know I'm very annoying and stubborn but I wouldn't leave Hector alone.

Hector stared at me blankly. Berna shivered and ran back to where we came from.

"Berna! Wait!" I called after her but she didn't listen, so I let her go.

"Let's finish this once and for all," said the beast.

Hector took his chance to attack but the beast was faster, it quickly blocked the attack and reversed it on Hector. I was so frightened. How could people in the old times watch these types of shows?

Hector got back up and pushed the monster back until it fell on itsstomach. But the monster took a chance and stabbed Hector on his waist. He moaned.

"Hector!" I cried running to him.

"Give up, Hector," said the beast.

Hector took a large breath.

"Never!" he pushed me and raced to the beast attacking him on his arms.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhh!" cried the beast.

But it didn't give up.

"If I can't beat you, I can beat her" it cried pointing at me.

"Oh no" I whispered

It sprinted towards me; its paw raised and prepared to attack me.

But Hector was faster and raised his sword and hit the beast on the side, right into its heart. It groaned. And fell. Slowly. To the ground. I was lying on the ground, shaking, and scared by the sudden movement. I suddenly felt the urge to cry. And so I did.

Hector comforted me and said:

"Everything is okay now"

The beast was dead. Dead.

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