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"YEAHHHHHHHHH!" Everyone in the band yelled.

The group went up collecting their reward. Habit smirked at the Christian Busters knowing what was about to happen. They started screaming in fear and ran around.

"What happened to you guys?" Kaito asked Garfield, looking confused.

"THERE'S A GHOST!" He screamed.

"A GHOST!?" Kaito screamed, looking around. "WHERE!?"

"THERE!" Garfield pointed at the ceiling.

Kaito ran away and hid under a chair that was set up.

They're all on the floor screaming for help. Habit was laughing.

"Habit...What did you do?..." Dark Pit asked looking at him.

"Don't you remember what we discussed?"


"Well we agreed if they pulled shit I would drug them" Habit says smorking.

"Oh...wait, what!?"

"Slipped acid in their juice box"


"Beautiful isn't it?" Habit asked watching

"I mean..." DP didn't want to admit it but it was funny to see them freak out.

"I knew you'd love it," he says.
"Shut up." Dark Pit grunted.

"Face it, We're all sick sons of Bitches" Habit says smirked.

Dark Pit shrugged. He wasn't answering. After watching them freak the fuck out and Liam eat trash they went to their hotel room.

Everyone was tired from performing.

They went back to the motel to check out. "Oh Mr. Momota you haven't paid for your fine yet"

"How much?" Kaito asked.

"900$ sir"

"WHAT!?" Kaito yelled.

"You did put a hole in the wall sir"

"But I'm broke!"

"You should of thought of that before breaking the wall down" she says.

The man that was checking out Dark Pit says "You also still have to pay your fine."

"Ah fuck. Listen, I'll mail you some money once I get home."

"I apologize sir but fines over 75$ need to be paid immediately" he explains.


Jason paid for his fine because it was only 20$

"why are you being fined?" Kaito asked.

"A lamp broke"

Kaito nodded.

"Hey DP, can I borrow some money?" Eddie asked.

"I have none."

"we just won 1000$"

"Oh." He handed Eddie the money.

"Thanks," he says paying Kaitos fine, they lost the money as fast as they won it :(.

"Fuck me." Dark Pit grumbled as they left the hotel. "We lost all our cash."

"Well y'all did destroy your rooms" Alex says.

"It was Kaito's fault mostly."

"Um Your fuck buddy gremlin shot a hole in that wall!" Kaito shouts.

"Oh, go and step on a landmine Kaito. It'll save NASA from having to hear a pointless nobody beg for a job."

Eddie punched him as hard as he could in the face, "DON'T INSULT MY BOYFRIEND!" He screeched.

"Guys stop." Jason growled as Dark Pit began choking Kaito.

Eddie pulled DP off. "You're on to talk Jason" Eddie yelled.

Jason ignored him and got in the van.

"PIT!" Screeched a older woman.

Pit stopped and sighed dramatically. "WHAT PALUTENA"


Pit rolled his eyes. "I was bored at home. So bored, I might've killed something if I was at home much longer."

"Young man you had a lot to be doing! And hanging out with these lowlifes" Palutena says.

"I was bored. I had nothing to do." Pit shot back.

"Yes you do!" She goes on and on about the shit that he needed to be doing, a lot of it related to Church stuff.

Pit just ignored it and looked back at everyone else to see how they were enjoying the show. Palutena grabbed him dragging to her 2018 Chevrolet Traverse.

Pit bit her wrist to make her let go. She screamed putting DoTerra on her wrist and Pit.

Pit just kept biting down, starting to draw blood. She slammed his head on the car.

Pit wrenched himself away from Palutena and ran back to the van and hopped in, his head bleeding a little. She pulled out her phone calling the police.

The van nyoomed out. This time Jason was driving, though he wished he was with Emiko.
He felt horrible for what happened. That wasn't him...he doesn't understand why it happened...he wouldn't do that...would he?

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