The School

456 22 33

TW: injury, mention of bullying, mention of homophobia

Patton glanced back at the older boy who was making his way towards the house. He sighed and continued to walk down the driveway and onto the sidewalk trying to remember his way to the new school.

Patton took out his phone and opened his maps app.

No internet.

He was about to check to see if there were any open networks when he crashed into a tree slamming his phone against his chest. Patton backed up revealing his phone with a now cracked screen.

"I'm such a clutz" he mumbled to himself as he tried to turn on his phone witch's screen stayed black.

Patton carefully stuffed his phone back in his pocket and continued walking not really knowing where to go.

He glanced around at the Autumn sky, the golden, red, and orange leaves falling from the trees and people leaving their driveways and heading to work.

Patton looked down at the rainbow pride bracelets he was wearing quickly taking them off and putting them in his pants pocket.

He didn't need another reason for people to bully him.

As he did so he happened to notice chalk drawings sprawled across the sidewalk. Pictures of stick people, tic-tac-toe, hopscotch, and Sun's with sunglasses littered his walking path.

*Time skip brought to you by 'Wintergreen Tick-Tacks'*

Patton finally approached the school and continued inside the building.

He walked down a locker-lined hallway finding two big doors with the word 'Librarby' across the top.

Patton decided to go in and see if he could find any books that looked good to read. He had nothing better to do and swung the door open to see the walls lined with bookshelves and desks and computers.

There was also a bunch of pencils, dried-up pens, and crumpled-up pieces of paper scattered across the floor and littered about the otherwise clean desks and work tables.

He walked in and took a seat in a navy blue bean bag in the fiction section setting his textbooks and backpack up against the wall.

Patton grabbed a book titled 'Candymakers'. It looked like an interesting read so he opened the book and settled into the worn-down stuffed beanbag.

That is until he heard the door open and footsteps. He looked up from his book to see a student in a dark grey polo and brown eyes framed by glasses simar to his staring him.

'He's kinda cute......'

Patton felt a small blush creep across his face as he stared into the boy's brown eyes. The boy seemed to notice how long he had been standing there and quickly rushed over to the non-fiction section sitting down at a desk. Patton shrugged a little and went back to his book.

He heard someone's laugh, it wasn't like a normal friendly laugh. No. This laugh was full of mockery, a laugh he was all too familiar with.

"Hey, nerd! Back in the library again? Wow, do you really have nothing better to do with your life!?" The voice said. Patton looked up from his book to see three boys standing in front of him. The boy who stood in the center of the three and who seemed to be the leader spoke "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to yo-" he caught himself as a smirk spread across his lips.

"Well well well. Who do we have here? Name's Janus who might you be?" The boy said stepping closer to Patton

"I-I'm Patton," he said in a shaky voice.

"You must be new here. Well, allow me to be your guide." He said placing his hand on the wall beside Patton's head. "Aw, what's wrong?~" he said getting closer, using his other hand to tilt Patton's head up until the boy behind Janus tapped his shoulder and motioned to where the boy in the grey polo was sitting "I'll see you later~," Janus said as he let go walking over to the boy with his two friends following close behind.

Patton shuttered and sunk back down into the beanbag. 'Just like the old school' he thought to himself.

He sighed hoping it wouldn't continue trying to focus back on his book.

Patton over herd Janus and his friends talking to each other as they walked away. "Why bother with him?" The shorter boy said "he's so naive, by the time he realizes what's happening it'll be too late," Janus responded with a smirk, "Only the strong survive in society after all"


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