An Unexpected Rescue

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TW:  abuse, very brief mention of blood

Patton stood in front of the Berry house, his pajamas sopping wet with rain. He was going to have to get in through Remy's window. It seemed like the only option. Now that would be easy if Patton wasn't a little twig who hadn't slept or eaten lunch and dinner. Not to mention had bandaged around his midsection.

"For Logan," he muttered under his breath. Patton took a running start and flung himself towards the poorly tiled roof. He tightly gripped the gutter trying to pull himself up. Patton mustered all of his strength and hauled himself onto the roof of the house, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. His body ached as he carefully stood up trying not to slip on the rain-soaked tiles.

Patton made his way over to the window. It being already wide open he slipped inside. His bare feet made small puddles on the wood-tiled floor. The room had grey walls and the closet was empty apart from a yellow, purple, white, and black striped flag hanging from behind the door.

He had no time to look around, Patton quickly makes his way to the door peeking out to make sure no one was roaming the hall. After seeing the coast was clear he made his way to the dark blue door not too far down the hall. The doorknob was broken off.

Patton gave the door a small push making it open even with the smallest bit of effort. The room was a mess, books littered the floor and there was a very large dent in the wall.

"Hello?" Patton said softly. "Lo it's me, I'm here to help, are you in here?" He questioned trying to make as little noise as possible. The closet door creaked open slightly. The smaller boy made his way over inquisitively when an arm jerked him inside.

"Patton what are you doing?! It is not safe here-" Logan spoke before being trapped in a rain-soaked hug.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" Patton said happily. Logan pushed away slightly, his glasses lenses shattered.

"Yes Patton I'm alright but you can't be here, your in danger," Logan said panicked.

"So are you! I'm not leaving you here! I have to get you out of here Lo!" Patton said opening the closet door.

"No don't!" Logan yelped, but it was too late. Loud footsteps pounded towards them before the closet was forced open.

"What is this? Leave. Now," The voice thundered making them both tremble slightly, the mans' pink twinged eyes staring down at them.

"N-no, Logan is my friend. He's a smart amazing guy and I'm not gonna let you do this to him!" The smaller boy shouted tears streaming down his face.

"I said leave. now." He gritted through his teeth. 

"No," Patton said again standing his ground prepared for the worst. Patton was punched in the gut falling to the ground feeling his bandages become soaked with more blood. He then saw Logan stand in front of him.

"What are you doing?!" He shouted angrily. "You're already in enough trouble! Don't make this harder than it has to be!"

"No, I will not let you hurt him any further, he came here to save me no matter how dangerous and I will protect him no matter what because I love him!!!" Logan shouted, his fists clenching at his sides.

The larger man swung his fist. Logan caught it in his hand before punching the male in the face. Logan couldn't help himself, he continued to strike the man letting all his anger out. Everything he'd done to Logan. All the pain and fear, he wasn't going to take it anymore, never again. The man dropped to the ground.

Logan could hear police sirens in the distance. Men with guns and badges burst into the room. Patton saw Logan kneel down next to him, holding him gently before everything went black.

"It's going to be alright, it's okay,"


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