Pronouns and Dishes

379 20 10

TW: self hate

Patton grabbed his school things seeing Emile working at the table.

"Hey, doc, girl day or boy day or neither?" Patton asked approaching the table.

"Neither," they said standing up gathering their things. "I'm heading out, tell Virgil I say bye ok?" They said kissing their son on the forehead before heading out the door.

Patton turned towards the sink begins to fill it with water spraying some soap onto the dirty dishes. He grabbed a sponge starting to clean off an empty bowl.

He let his mind wander to Logan. Patton still couldn't believe that the boy was his neighbor. Those perfect eyes, a person could look into those eyes and never return. But. Logan could never love him. He had no friends, no sense of style. Patton had just moved here and they didn't even know each other. Besides, did Logan even like guys?! 

Life would be so much simpler if people just walked around wearing shirts that said, 'I'm gay', 'I'm bisexual', 'I'm Non-binary'. If only. But life can never be that easy can it. You either guess, ask, or just live your life having no idea.

Suddenly Patton could feel his shoes getting wet as he looked up to realize the sink was overflowing. He quickly turned it off sopping up the spilled water with a dry towel.

Nope, there was no doubt about it, he and Logan were never going to happen.

'Then why do I feel like I have a pit in my stomach?...'


Logan rushed around grabbing his school stuff heading out the door. The intelligent boy stopped and stared at his neighbors small yet charming house. 

Today he was going to make things right, he just had to find the right moment. He felt something in his gut, he didn't know quite what it was but it had to have something to do with the reason he couldn't get Patton out of his head. It was almost felt.....inevitable. No, more like........fate.


D͓̽o͓̽u͓̽b͓̽l͓̽e͓̽ N͓̽e͓̽g͓̽a͓̽t͓̽i͓̽v͓̽e͓̽s͓̽ (A Logicality story)Where stories live. Discover now