Strange Drive

232 13 5

TW: cussing, implied harassment

It had been a while and the whole picture thing had died down. Janus was still a bully but was getting a little better. Mostly just unnecessarily rude comments or remarks. It was a nice change of pace, but things just can't stay normal for long can they.


As the final bell rings the two boys headed for the entrance together. It was nearing break and small winds of warm air could be felt as students exited the building.

They got just outside the school, Patton bouncing as he walked as Logan kept a straight posture. After a few moments, Logan spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. "Patton I don't believe I've had a chance to properly thank you, besides the one at the hospital I mean," he spoke gently.

"What do you mean Lo?" Patton asked gazing up at the intellectual.

"For everything, for making me smile and laugh, and cheering me up. For being there no matter what. And I suppose as cheesy as it sounds, for being you. Your smile and you're wonderful personally. Your warmth and bubbliness along with your sensitivities. You make me feel like a real person Patton. So thank you for that." Logan started as a smile grew ever-present on his face with every word.

Patton could feel his face get warm despite the already humid temperature. He smiled brightly and took Logan's hand. "Not that I'm complaining but this is a little random isn't it? Something on your mind?" The smaller boy asked.

"Patton there is something I would like to ask you but you must promise to answer in complete honesty." Patton nodded awaiting the question.

"HEY, GLASSES GAYS LETS GO! I GOT PLACES TO BE!" Remy shouted across the parking lot. Logan eternally groaned. Foiled again. They both flinched startled by the yelling. the boys could feel all eyes focus on them. 

"Remy? Why are you here?" Patton questioned as the teen approached them.

"Your dad said to pick you up and drive ya somewhere, didn't feel like being your personal driver but I don't really have a choice," they huffed. "Would have been here sooner but some b*tches decided it would be fun to mess with me," they grumbled.

The two boys glanced at each other exchanging confused looks but proceeding to follow Remy to their car. There was a sticky note on their windshield which the teen quickly read, crushed up into a tiny ball, and chucked unnecessary hard into the back seat. Logan got into the front not looking very pleased.

"This better be important, I was in the middle of something," he stated very plainly as Patton got into the back seat.

"Yeah yeah you can kiss your boyfriend later, all I know is I gotta get you from point A to point B alright babe?" Remy snarked, very quickly leaving the parking lot.

"Where are we going exactly?" Patton asked after a few minutes on the road.  

"I'm just following the directions your dad told me all right I know as much as you do," Remy responded sounding more uneasy than intended.

As they drove the winding roads the three bearly said a word to each other. Remy was on the phone nearly the entire drive, almost swerved off the road, and flipped off at least four people. When the car finally came to a stop they gazed out the window.

"Where are we," Patton was the first one to speak.

"I know where we are, unfortunately..." Logan muttered earning a nod from Remy.

They sat in the cool car for what seemed like ages before being startled by a knock on the car window. Emile waved and motioned for them to get out of the car. Remy opened the door stepping out. The car was filled with warm humid outdoor air.

"Why are we here?.."

Happy holidays everyone!!


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