Chapter V

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I couldn't see anything because of the light coming through the window.

I started getting ready for school, still thinking about what happened yesterday. How was it possible. Why do I always have to screw up things. I couldn't just faint in front of my house, of course not. My stupid body decided to pass out just right where my teacher could find me.

I wouldn't exactly tell it bothered me but it wasn't going to help me get rid of this stupid crush. I had to stay calm and just stop thinking about it. She said " I wouldn't let any of my students in this kind of situation " so it must mean that I'm just one random students of hers.

Once I was finally ready to go to school, I put my bag on and left my house.

On the road, I decided to go buy something to drink. It was one of my many habits.

Once I entered my favorite coffee shop, I took the usual, a chocolat coffee with a drop of milk.

And as you all know, everything just couldn't happen like I wanted it to, I must have ran in Miss Williams. She saw me and gave me that shy smile while moving towards the queue.

I just smiled at her and got out of the coffee shop as fast as I could.

Why does it always happen to me

After I finished my coffee, I went straight to my first class, which was math.

I always hated math, I didn't understand anything about it. I just liked going to those classes so I can sleep because the teacher didn't really cared about it.

Once the class was over, it was time for the last one, English. I just got two classes today because all the other teachers went on a school trip in Italy.

Don't panic Jess, it just an hour with one of your teacher, that's all.

I thought I just go sit in the class because I was done waiting and I was thinking maybe if I showed up earlier, it would be over quickly, but I was wrong.

I sat where I'm usually sitting, and started drawing while waiting for the other students to show up.

I was exhausted, I didn't sleep that good, not because of what happened yesterday, I didn't really cared about it, but because of my dreams that I can't stop having.

I missed her.

The bell then brought me to reality, announcing the beginning of the class.

I wasn't really in the mood of doing anything today, except sleeping.

Miss Williams was starting to distribute the work that everybody has done last week. If I remember it was something about Shakespeare.
I was tired of him, every year we had to study him for at least several months.

She then moved forward and gave me my work. I took it out of her hand and I swear to god I felt her hand brushing mine while removing it.

To make sure it was just my imagination, I looked up to see how she would react, and she didn't really paid attention to it. But I swear she did it on purpose.

After the end of the class I got up but before I could get out of here, she stopped me while saying " Miss Clark, can I have a moment ? "

I was defeated, I just couldn't do anything so I just nodded.

" You know, I think you forgot you have detention with me ? Am I right ? "
Oh shit I totally forgot, or did I ?

" Y-yeah kind of " I said stuttering.

" I will let you go this time but tomorrow there's no way "

" Okay thanks "

I was heading to the door when I heard her.

" Oh and Miss Clark, have a nice evening " she said looking at me with her mesmerizing eyes.

" T-thank you, you too "

I quickly got out of her class before she could see what effect she had on me.

I quit. She's really my crush.


Sorry for making you guys wait, I hope you don't really mind ^^


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