Black Beauty

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The next day

*Knock Knock

K: Come in.

L: You're phone has been buzzing like crazy, here.

K: Thanks.


Mr. Davidson: Mackenzie Ziegler, you show up at school once and this happens. Please come into my office today we have important matters to discuss after the show you put on yesterday.

*End Text

K: (I legit just wanted to fucking sleep today.)

Kenzie's Outfit:


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K: Coming!

We arrived at Emily's school, we had both been in the building for like 30 seconds and caught everyone staring. Surprised people still even care. 

E: Hey I'm gonna go find Asher and Annie.

K: Aight, I'll talk to you later.

I felt eyes trail me all the way down the hall as I walked over to Mr. Davidson's office. I turned around a punched one of the lockers and the sound echoed all through the halls. I felt dozens of people jump from the bang. 

K: Weren't you kids ever taught it's rude to stare?

*Mr. Davidson's office

K: What the hell was so urgent that I couldn't have just slep- Oh.

In front of me stood Mr. Davidson and a police officer. I was really in for it this time.

Mr. Davidson: Kenzie, Officer Jensen came to ask a few questions about yesterday's show.

K: Hold up, am I in trouble?

Officer: Yes, a lot.

K: (Well shit.) It's about Cole Jackson, correct.

Mr. Davidson, also my Uncle Jeff. He was a super close friend of my parents. He treats me like a daughter, he's all I have left of my parent's.

Mr. Davidson: Yes, his parents were very upset when they heard about what you did. They want you in jail. 

K: Well I can guarantee that they wouldn't be as upset if they knew why I did what I did.

Officer: Well please enlighten us, we are not fully aware of what happened.

K: When I was about to leave and take Emily home, we heard Cole bothering another student, her name is Josie. Apparently they had dated but she left him and he wasn't happy about it. Now I don't know what happened before that day, and I don't think it's any of my business either, but he was grabbing her and dragging her to his car. Mr. Davidson you know very well that after what happened with me... Well I was not about to let someone go down the same road as me. I had to step in, no one else did, and if it meant by force, then so be it. At least 10 other people were there and can back me up on this.

*Jenzie* Someone Will Love You, But Someone Isn't MeWhere stories live. Discover now