Lost Love

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K: You're surrounded Mr Nacido. Call of your men.

1: It was you the whole time, you're the leader.

K: Sad it took you this long to figure that out, there's a reason we're on top and you're not. Now call off your men.

1: I think you should call yours, all it takes for me is to pull this trigger and a bullet goes straight through Bryce's brain. But it's really up to you.

K: Holster your weapons.

1: Good choice.

But it wasn't the moment my men dropped their guns, he pulled the trigger. Bryce's body crashed down onto the ground, Nadia's brother, he's dead, and she will forever blame me for it. I was taken by shock, I had become very fond of these people. I didn't notice he swiftly moving up behind me and put a gun to my head.

1: You're gonna come with me, and we're getting out of this.

J: Kenzie don't?!

K: Jax? You take over for me.

Ja: Of course, i'll always be here for you.

K: Good, don't go looking for me, i'll find my way back eventually.

V: No way in hell we're not gonna look for you.

K: Do not look for me! That is an order. If I go with you, my team, and my friends leave unharmed. 

1: You have yourself a deal, Hells Angels leader is in my hands.

K: Jax, X!

They picked up their guns and shot down all the guards in Nacido. But the leader grabbed me and pulled me out the back past all the gunfire and threw me into the car, handcuffed me to the steering wheel. And just like that, we were gone.

*5 Months Later*

For these past few months, i've been with Ruben, the leader. I haven't talked to my team or my friends since then. Ruben has been on the run, and he's taken me with him, but I have to stay, because if I try to escape, well i have no idea what happens to the ones i care about. In the past 2 months, we've been to Panama, Mexico, Canada, Switzerland, Morocco, Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Finland, Norway, and Wales. He had to stay on the run, apparently he betrayed Nacido so they were looking for him, and since Johnny was the leader now, he was looking for me too. We've spent most of our time jumping around from party to party, i'm able to get in anywhere since i have all access to any club, it seems like more of a vacation then us hiding from the other gangs. We've crashed at multiple different hotels. Ruben has been going around from the different smaller gangs around each town, i guess it's for recruitment. But he won't get around to enough gangs before Nacido or Hells Angels find him. That's right, my gang won't stop, they hardly ever listen to me anyway but my whole sector with be looking for me.

Our next stop. Italy. Now i've taken Italian before, but never managed to finish it, so these past couple months, i've gotten a hell of a lot better at it. 

I haven't been in contact with anyone though, I've gotten a burner phone every week, Ruben wants to make sure no one knows where we are. And I have to say, i think it's better that way to. Not knowing that others are worrying, I'll be gone for a long time, who knows, maybe they'll give up, maybe they should.

I have to say, i'd be lying if I didn't enjoy this, to an extent of course. His company wasn't all that great, I don't like being his little bitch where ever we go, i'm the one who's gotta look out for him because we both know I keep my shit together. But not having any responsibilities to people i actually cared about was nice. But I would also be lying if I said i didn't miss them and didn't want to go back.

But let's be honest here, even if I did try to escape, I'm still going to be wanted by Nacido, if I get Ruben killed our brought back to them, or i lead them to him, they'll be off my back, so that's the plan.

Ruben and I managed to pack our stuff up fast before we headed off to Italy.


R: You all packed up?

K: Yeah I just have to get changed quick.

R: Hurry the car is outside waiting, i'll bring the bags down.

K: Okay i'll meet you downstairs.

R: Good, be fast, remember-

K: I know what the attire is.

Kenzie's Outfit:

Kenzie's Outfit:

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*In the Airport

R: I'm going to check the bags, toss the phones, we get new ones once we land.

K: Okay I'm on it.

Ruben walked up to the back checking area, the line was pretty long, I knew I had enough time. Before throwing away my phone, I went to my call app and typed in a number. The phone began to ring on the other side...

*Phone Call

?: Hello, who is this?

I didn't know what to say, my heart was pounding so fast, it was the voice of the one person I had missed the most, the voice of the one who made me choke on my words.

?: Hello?

I had no idea what to say, after all these months, what should you even say?

?: Kenzie?...

For some reason, who knows how, but he knew it was me, just from the small sigh i let out on the other side of the phone. Johnny Orlando always knew it'd be me.

J: Kenzie if it's you, where are you? I'm looking for you everywhere just talk to me.

I couldn't say anything, after all these months it's like my brain re-wired into Ruben's rules, it didn't matter how I felt in the end, because I had to help the people I cared about.

J: Kenzie if this really is you, you're going to be okay. I'm not giving up on you, hold onto that.

And I will, with every last grain of my body, I'll survive this, because in the end I'll go back to them all. 

*End Phone Call

I tossed the phones into the trash can, grabbed my bag and followed Ruben into the airport. I still couldn't help but think, was this my life now, jumping around from place to place, my rival gangs know who I am, I'm not ever going to be safe, instead I'd be jeopardizing the people i care about just by going back. But even if I wanted to, Ruben isn't quite done with me, he still having his fun...

To Be Continued...


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*Jenzie* Someone Will Love You, But Someone Isn't MeWhere stories live. Discover now