Dead & Defeated

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We arrived at the hospital, the doctors had pulled her out in a bed and dragged her away. Lola, Kat and I were all sitting in the waiting room pacing around. I should have changed be I was covered in blood and bruises. I was so flipped out. My friend, who i've known for years, might just die tonight because she's in my gang, because she's under my lead, because she was doing the drugs that I got. If she dies, it's going to be my fault. 

K: Emily? Annie? Johnny? H- What are all of you doing here?

E: What are you doing here?

K: My friend is in here. Tonya-

As: Tonya Knight, she went to our school last year we heard about an overdose.

K: Yeah that's why I'm here to.

J: What happened to you?

K: What?

C: Yeah, you're covered in blood are you okay?

K: It's not mine, most of it at least.

Jeff: Kenzie?

K: Mr Davidson what are you doing here?

Je: One of my students is here, Tonya Knight, Kenzie what happened to you?

K: Don't worry about me, we're here for Tonya. This is Lola and Kat.

L: Hey

Ka: Hey...

Doctor: Are you all here for Tonya Knight?

(Carson, Ian, Hayden, Johnny, Ashtin, Emily, Annie, Lola, Katherine, Kenzie)

K: Yeah is she okay, please tell me she's okay.

D: Who is the closest to her?

K: I've known her for 5 years...

E: Longer than any of us.

D: I'm truly sorry, we tried everything, but it was too late, and she overdosed.

K: She-She's dead?

D: I'm afraid so.

K: Oh my god... It's all my fault.

J: It's not your-


Je: Kenzie... please tell me this isn't what i think it is...

I ran out of the hospital. Into the parking lot. Rain pouring. Darkness. My knees crashed against the pavement and my heart pulled out of my chest. She was the first girl I met, in the gang, she's been an amazing friend, an amazing person, and she died because of me. I just broke down and sobbed.

J: Kenzie It's not your fault.

K: Yes, it is.

Je: Kenzie, please tell me it isn't true.

K: What isn't true?

Je: Hells Angels?

K: How do you-

Je: Know about that, there's a lot you don't know... Your dad, he was the leader before you. You think that night he died was because of a robbery or something.

K: Well yeah that's what you always told me.

Je: Well now it's time you find out the truth. Your dad was the leader of Hells Angels before you, that's what got him killed, he made a lot of enemies, the same ones you are making, and it's going to get you killed one day. Drugs, danger, gangs, he did it before you. 

K: The difference between me and dad, is that i'm still alive, and there's no one I care about who's gonna get hurt in the process of my dumb mistakes.

*Jenzie* Someone Will Love You, But Someone Isn't MeWhere stories live. Discover now