Lust & Lies

913 24 3

6:00 AM

*after shower

K: Dear jesus please have mercy on my soul. (Where are all my clothes?! WHAT?!)

*Emily's room

K: Where the fuck are my clothes.

E: You're dark depressing clothes?


E: I got rid of them.

K: No! Did you get rid of my... leather jacket.

E: You're going to have to be more specific, you had like 9.

K: The oversized one?

E: That's in my closet-


E: Is everything okay?

K: It... It was my dad's before he passed...

E: Oh shit, I'm so sorry, I had no idea.

K: It's okay, It's here. 

E: What was your dad like?

K: He... He was incredible... The most passionate man I've ever seen. Despite his work he always made time for me. And even though he was reckless and dangerous, he was always the most protective of me. And man... He loved motorcycles, actually help me modify the one I have now. 

E: How did he die?

K: Things... happened.  Anyway we've got school to get ready for.

E: Well then get changed.

Kenzie's Outfit:

Kenzie's Outfit:

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K: You're kidding right?

E: Oh come on, it's just an outfit, now let's go, we're gonna be late.



K: You didn't have to run all the way to my class.

E: We're 30 minutes late!

K: So?

E: Just go inside and behave yourself.

K: I'll try.

E: I'll see you at lunch. 


K: Is this AP English?

Mr. Peters: Yes and you are?

K: The new student, Kenzie Ziegler. 

P: Ah yes. Mr Davison sent an email, he told me you were trouble.

K: Only when I want.

P: Would you like to introduce yourself.

*Jenzie* Someone Will Love You, But Someone Isn't MeWhere stories live. Discover now