The Good Girls Always Go Bad

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At the Hospital

Look at me. In a hospital because I wasn't ready for a little fight or a gun. I've been in positions like this before, this isn't like me. None of this is. Hell, look at what I'm wearing. I've been going to school for one day, and hanging out with these people for what? A week or two? I'm not the same person I was before. And that's not a good thing. I'm letting my guard down, and that's what's gonna get me killed. This is not me. The Kenzie I know, she isn't a smiley happy person, she doesn't dress like this, act like this, she doesn't flirt up with guys. She's a total badass, she dresses in black, she doesn't care about the well-being of anyone, she's selfish, she's dangerous, and she's a trouble making, gang leader. I have a fight on Friday. I have a gang to lead. That's it, this... whatever it is, is over. No more drama, no more boys, no more friends, no more caring. No more distractions means no more weaknesses. 

*Kenzie wakes up

I got up and looked around the room. My wound was wrapped up, it looked like I was in a hospital. I looked down and saw Johnny curled up in a ball leaned up against the bed sleeping. I figured he brought me, I just didn't think he'd stay. 

J: You're awake...

K: How long have I been here?

J: A few hours, they pulled out the bullet and fixed it up. Here let me help you.

K: I got it. 

J: You okay?

K: Yeah I'm good i've been through worse.

J: Should I even ask?

K: I wouldn't bother if I was you. 

J: Should I be worried about you?

K: Don't, I'm fine, I can handle myself.

J: I know, but that doesn't mean you should have to.

K: Well we all have to protect ourselves. I can leave right?

J: Uh yeah-

*Walks out


J: Can you just stop and talk to me for a second?!

K: ...No.

J: What?

K: I. Said. No.

Johnny's POV

The look on her face sent chills down my spine. She was ice cold. Like when I first saw her. Those eyes, they completely shut off. 

K: Johnny, I'm going to need you to just back off.

J: W-What...

My heart completely stopped when she said that. 

J: Did I do something, where is this coming from?

K: It's not like that, it's just something I should have done a while ago and I see that now. I don't have time for distractions.

J: Is having friends really a distraction?

K: Yes.

J: What about us then?

K: Who said there was an us? I'll see you around, Orlando.

That hit so much harder than it should.

Kenzie's POV

The rest of the week was me alone. I pushed all my friends away. Ignored then when I walked past them. I didn't feel guilty at all, which means the real me is back. I moved out and rented an apartment because Emily was asking too many questions and I really didn't have the time. I was preparing for a fight on Friday, I was ditching on Friday to go, Mr. Davidson is so gonna kill me when he finds out. I was spending most of my time with the gang, things were going so much better now that I was in charge again. And there's that ego of mine. And Friday rolled along. The fight

*Jenzie* Someone Will Love You, But Someone Isn't MeWhere stories live. Discover now