Tick Tock

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1: You really don't want to be playing these games right now. 

K: Don't I?

1: Start killing them.

4: Got it boss.

K: Wait.

1: So now she talks...

K: What do you want to know?

1: Why you think I left a trail?

K: You want to know what I think?

1: Enlighten me darling.

K: You took us off campus, which is surrounded by security cameras.

1: Disabled.

K: Good. But you took us an hour before we were supposed to go, doesn't leave you a big time gap.

1: You're not wrong, but we were able to get far in that time.

K: Maybe so, but what if someone had been there early and followed you?

An: ¿Qué estás haciendo? No lo ayudes. (what are you doing? Don't help him?)

K: Relajarse. Él no saldrá con vida al final para usar esto, además de que podría comenzar a matar gente. (Relax. He won't make it out alive in the end to ever use this, besides he might start killing people.)

1: Hey! Focus.

K: The drive was only a few hours, we couldn't have been too far from major civilization. There's 20 of you two about 20 of us, the ratio is just bad. I could continue if you want.

1: I think you've said enough.

K: Are we done here?

1: Hardly. You know in all my years of this, i've never seen someone so calm, what's your story?

K: What can I say, I've lost a lot, and over the years I've learned that being scared gets you nowhere.

1: Take out the scared one... you can start with this one right here, there's definitely something she's not telling us...

*Other rooms

I: What happened?

J: Where's Kenzie?

Ash: Are you okay?

An: I'm fine, but she won't be for much longer, they think she's hiding something.

E: Is She?

An: I have no idea.

J: She is but if she tells them it will get her killed.

N: What the hell are we supposed to do, sit here and -


H: Johnny calm down, don't be stupid.

J: They're hurting her.

An: And you jumping in there to try and help her is only going to make things worse.

C: Let's just stay here and be quiet.


*1 hour later

Speaker: Alright everyone, huddle up together in the main hall, we have a little announcement to make.

*Everyone in the main hall

*Tosses Kenzie out

J: Are you okay?

K: *Stands up* I'm good.

*Jenzie* Someone Will Love You, But Someone Isn't MeWhere stories live. Discover now