Dear Baby Brother

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Its been three years. Three long years since that faithful night when Zuko burned his brother.

Asahi is now 10, Zuko 13 and Azula is 12. Ever since their mother left them to their own devices Zuko got close to their Uncle, Azula was their father's lap dog and Asahi was working.

He wanted to do whatever his country needs of him and has stated he'd happily die for his Nation. And not a word of it was false.

Asahi over the years gained two friends from school. Qin and Ren.

Qin was a tall, bulky boy with jet black hair and a strong since of pride. His father was a war general and his mother was a captain of a grand ship off the coast. He had three little sisters named Tala,Nanni and Lay.

Ren  was a short noble girl from the capital. She had long wavy brown hair and eyes the color of coal. Ozai was still entertaining the idea of betrothal so Asahi thought it was good idea to know her. She was the daughter of a noble family coming from a home with twelve brothers with a sister across the sea in the Earth Kingdom.

Asahi met them both on his 7th birthday and since then they were thick as thieves.

Today was a war meeting though so Asahi would not be with his friends today.

He woke up feeling that something was gonna happen but he suppressed the thought in favor of studying. He got out of his chambers only when it was time for the meeting.

As the Prince of the Fire Nation it was traditional that he be at all war meetings. Not to prepare him to rule though. That was Zuko's birth right no matter how little he dissevered it. It was to prep him to be in the high council, the advisor of the Fire Lord and to ,if need be, provide heirs with his future wife for the line of succession.

Asahi and Ren have already planned out their possible marriage and honestly are content with it. They were a good match and came from powerful bloodlines, it only made sence. Besides, Ren was a smart and rational person, not to machine agreeable and quite pretty too.

Asahi has heard her call him a feral charmer and a genius before so he can only guess the feelings were mutual. If not there was always Yasmin, the rich girl from a bending family. She wasn't as smart though so Asahi would stick to Ren.

Asahi looks at the sun and figures it was ten minutes before the meeting would start. He heads to the War room any way to be on time.' Punctuality is a skill all true princes master. Never be late. It is seen as very rude and makes it look like you don't value other's time. It also makes you look like a child.' He remembers his sister telling him.

Azula was a big sister in every definition of the word. She was a little on the strict side but she was patient and a good teacher. She helped Asahi learn how to lie like a pro, how to be regal and proud, and all that other stuff. Zuko might have seen Azula more as a rival or a threat then a sister but Asahi couldn't blame him.

In the royal family the first born always sees the second born as a rival. Someone who could and would take the throne. You can't trust them. At all.

That was something there Mother didn't understand. That this family was not beautiful, it was not sweet bed time stories. Their father picked favorites and never loved Zuko, if he dose than he is greatly ashamed of his short comings compared to Azula and Asahi.

That was also the reason Zuko was not invited to the war meeting. To not embarrass their father.

When Asahi finally makes it he is told to sit at his Father's right. Which he dose without complaints. It was an honor to be here in itself at such a young age, add the fact he was at his Father's right and Asahi was oozing with pride and content.

As the generals rill in Zuko and his Uncle are second this last to arrive. This in itself was a displeasing notion to Ozai.

Yet amusing.

Time hose on and Asahi is slowly zoning out. He already has a summary in his head of what they were planning and was ready to go. Lunch might have been an hour or two ago but he skipped breakfast and needed a snack. Probability ramen or a mango. He really couldn't care.

The meeting was still only half way over until Zuko opened his big mouth.

Asahi's brother stood up,nostrils flared and teeth bared like a tigerdillo in a rage. He produced no smoke though so Asahi wasn't very impressed. 'Zuko's having another tantrum' he thinks.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!Those solders protect , fight, and serve for our country!!How could you do that to them!?" He says in a burst.

Asahi has to fight not to roll his eyes. 'He is so sentimental, I don't get why Mother loved him so much. I don't get how Uncle can stand him. Princes show no emotion. If they have an issue with someone they either keep it to themselves or find a way around it' Asahi reasons in his mind, listing all of his brothers faults and how to fix them. Not that Asahi would say any of it out loud.

He was older now, still younger that Zuko but more mature and civil.

The next few minutes was a blur. All Asahi got from it all though was "Agni Kai" and he knew Zuko would loose.

Asahi knew that Zuko might have spoken against a general's plan but the real disrespect was to their father. It was his war room and Zuko wasn't invited. Or well liked by anyone the palace.

Well excluding Uncle Iroh but whatever. Iroh was a strange man.

Now Asahi was with his sister in the library studying.

Azula was sitting in a big velvet chair by the door with her little brother next to her reading on chi.

"So always aim for a pressure point for a anyone but a fire benders windpipe is important. Squeezed just right then you loose bending for a hour." Azula explained.

There was then a knock on the door. "Your Highness, Fire Lord Ozai has summand you and Prince Asahi to the Agni Kai in the plaza arena of Ashima."

And off they went.

During the entire scene Asahi internally cringed at his brother. 'Get up!! Why isn't he getting up!? Getupugetupgetupgetup!! Get UP!' Asahi thinks panicked. Luckily his face was blank and he was stunned to stillness after his father burned his brother.

"He should have got up" he mumbled to Azula while walking away to follow Iroh away from the fight.

To say Asahi was disappointed in his brother was an understatement.

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