Dear Baby Brother 2

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Asahi would not allow himself to cry. He was a prince of a world super power, he had no reason to cry like a infant. He would be strong.

For his father.

For his uncle.

For his sister and for his friends.

Even the brother he hasn't talked to in over a year.

But not for himself. Oh no. Asahi didn't have the self confidence to say or think he could. This wasn't about him, he didn't want it to be about him either.

Asahi hasn't spoken a word to his brother in over a year. Not out of spite but of being too busy for him. Or maybe he was trying to keep busy to avoid confrontation, he didn't know. Didn't want to find out either.

But now it was too late.

Zuko was on the docks loading the rest of his things onto a boat. It wasn't even made in the past decade. It was old and classical. Meaning that it was long over due for an upgrade and a paint job.

It was strong though, Ozai was a monster but one who knew how to torture. It was a disgrace to even be in the presence of the ship so Azula and Asahi stayed at the palace. No one bed Uncle or Zuko goodbye. They left that afternoon and Asahi felt a tsunami of guilt crash into his soul.

He wouldn't see his brother any time soon if at all unless he brings the Avatar. Its a sorry and pathetic mission and their father knew it. No one has faith that he'll even make the ship out of Fire Nation waters by the end of summer.

Thoughts of his brother dying at sea plague Asahi's mind as he absent mindly pets Avila in the garden. It was only been a day since Zuko's banishment went public. It was humiliating to hear all those fakers at court and school wish him luck and safety.

They were all hoping he'd die at sea and never be seen again. Azula wasn't concerned in the slightest.

"Zuzu is to stubborn to die." Was her explanation. Not a very good one but Asahi took what he could get in comfort. In his world that was the difference between sanity and becoming a pycho.

The idea of the line of succession becoming shorter terrified him to point of near mental breakdowns every day. So he did the only thing he knew how to do.


Keep busy.

Stay strong and productive, because no one would be there for him. He didn't want them to be anyway, but he was still only 10 years old! He was still a child! Not even a teenager and yet he has the problems of a man. He is only a boy. Not a man.

He was supposed to be playing with friends, getting in trouble, getting punishment for getting in trouble, learning and have a childhood.

But no.

Other childrens problems consists of who to sit with at lunch or hiding their report cards or avoiding their father's strap.

His were weather or not his brother would ever come back, where his mother was, who would succeed to the throne and keeping insanity's crippling thoughts out of sight and mind.
Not a day hose by that he wishes to silence his mind. For his troubles to all melt away.

So he bends, and trains and fights.

He was never one for violence but nothing distracted him better than the adrenaline and released pain onto another. He loved it. Not enough for it to be the same blood list as Ozai but enough.

Asahi stood up from his nest on the fire lilies and wilting spit flowers. Spit Fires were his and his step grandmother's favourites. Ashima had them next to her cremation in the shrine of Azulon.

Asahi smiles bitterly. Zuko used to make stories for the flowers with their mother. In fact, one of Asahi's favorite fables was made by Zuko.

It was about a fire bending woman by the name Lila with three sisters, Lilac, Lula and Lain, they were all poor and beautiful. One day Lilac and Lula were married off to two princes and Lila never saw them again. Lain then died giving birth to her husbands son who was given to Lila.

Lila didn't want the baby but she raised him a anyway. When she was old enough to marry her father forced her to marry a horrible man who killed her nephew. Lila later got pregnant and had a stillborn. She tool the dead infant's blood and dumped in on their lawn then burned it. They then turned into Spit Fires.

Asahi loved that story so much he wrote it down and HD it hung in a future cremation rooms for Zuko's shrine. A symbol of their brotherhood to say.

Ursa even made a song to go with it. "Little little, bit by bit. Plant the seed,let it sit, in blood of a love. Crimson and thick. Cover the pit and let it grow. Little by little, bit bit. Let the fire inferno rage on in their soul. Beloved, love, and darling.  In my heart, in my dream and in this flower live on"

It was fairly simple. But Asahi refused to hang it in her shrine. That was Zuko's job.

A year later

Asahi hated today more and more it seemed. First Azula is rumored to become crowned princess in the next two years  then Qin  can't train and now Avila was sick.

He was standing infont of the royal vet who looked very sympathetic and sorry.

She was a tall woman, her name was Su Lee. A daughter of a combustion bender and a psychiatrist with a mercenary brother. She had long ashy brown hair in tight braids, sharp yet warm hazel eyes of a non bender and wore a pale pink robe and a nose ring.

She bowed to him before looking Asahi in the eyes again.

"My deepest apologizes Asahi, but Avila is having a cold. It be best to let her heal and leave her in a nurse or maids care for a week or two. Your health is the nations health." She said sincerely.

Su Lee was a good woman. She was very respectful but independent and new her worth. Asahi came to see her as a friend or ally more than Avila's vet.

He nodded, than turned to walk away before- "Asahi! Their was a messenger hawk seen flying into your room! I thought you should know" he grunted in acknowledgement than went on his way.

When he got to his rooms he saw the hawk, gave it a strip of meat , then took the letter on its back.

He smiled as he read the greeting.

'Dear Baby Brother.' Was written in big, bold rose gold colored ink.  Made from a Spit Fire.

Maybe Asahi didn't hate his brother all that much. Who knows.

He did start to write back though,
'Dear Big Brother' in a bright orange from Zuko's favorite butterfly bettle,  on with a black body and first wings they called Yasmina.

Oh the tails the brothers told each other. Back and forth with all the tails of their days, their adventure and the people they have met.

Over months Zuko's letters turned more dark though. Like a brooding teen. That's when Asahi stopped hating him so much.

Or maybe he never hated him at all? Another hypothetical for another day.

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