Daddy Dearest- that sounds wrong

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A/n: Look what I found in my drafts! Mind you, this is old, unedited, from back when I was in middle school. This whole book was a bit of a cringe fest for me and I've been too scared to touch it, but no I'm feeling a bit more confidant in my writing and I think I want to give it another go. This book will stay up for anyone who still wants to read, I'll just be adding another version on this account. No promises on consistent updates after August, y'all know how school gets. 

Asahi POV:




I don't like the throne room, as you can tell by the screaming.
It was always so stuffy and the air was to thick to really breath. I don't like it. Another reason I don't want to be Fire Lord. This would basically be my life, in this horrible room.


I walk into the throne room, which needs to get a new name like the flame room or something, and Dad is waiting on his throne.
I bow to him at the hip with my hands behind my back to show how I was his obedient son, not heir or subject to be ruled over. It was seen by the court as a sign of disrespect and anyone else who does it is killed on a charge of treason unless their important. Harsh, but a good way to keep subordinates in line.

Dad's fine with me doing it though. Don't know why and I don't plan to ask him any time soon.

"Greeting, my son." Dad greets. None of that princely crap which makes me get the impression no one else is around. Not even a historian. Ohhhh what did I do now? What did I do now!?

I keep my cool though.

"Hello, Dad." I say casually. Dangerously so. He doesn't seemed fazed though.

He only smirks a bit with anger and parental stern-ness shining in his amber eyes. He looked nothing like Grandfather. He looked like his mother and and Sozin. "Your in trouble." He states plainly. His voice is guarded and stern. Like a mountain too stubborn to move to will of the wind. And he never will move. He's Fire Lord. He doesn't have to.

I bow my head and mumbled " Yeah, I just don't know for what."I knew he could hear me. And he was for sure not amused. Not in the slightest.

That must have been the wrong to to say and do because the air gets thicker and I know he's the one who did it. He wants to smother my inner fire to keep me at bay. To reason with a young impulsive volcano is a great goal indeed. But it is one for either a dead man or a mountain.

"Last night Eama told you to go to sleep. Instead you snuck out to Qin's Father's estate on Avila. Did you or did you not?" I hate this. This whole conversion. The air gets thicker the longer I have to stand there until Dad has my ear.

When did he get up?

I'm then dragged to his study in a room attached through a passage behind the throne.

He leads me inside and then yells in my face, "I DON'T APPRECIATE DISOBEDIENCE ASAHI!!" He shouts. I back away fearful of what he was going to do next. I love my Dad as any son should but he was still scary. Like all Dads should be. I lower my head and mumble a quick sorry and plead to Agni that Dad doesn't consider anything big. I mean, I do this all the time. Its just this time I got caught.

He rolls his eyes at me and sighs. One of those 'Dang, I love you but you tire me out' sighs only parents seem to do. Its nice that he reserved a sigh just for me that he uses on no one else. Makes these 'damnit' moments less bad. Or something.

He moves to the window and starts talking about something else but I know he won't let this go anytime soon. "Azula will be sent to capture your brother and uncle. I have named them traitors to our nation for what they have done in the North pole. Asahi, you will go with her to collect her 'friends' and assist however she sees fit as long as no Injury is obtained."

On the outside I have a passive and respectful look on my face but on the inside I'm jumping up and down with joy. 'FINALLY! I GET TO DO SOMETHING'I think to myself.

"Can I bring Avila with me?" 

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