A Normal Day

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Four years. Prince Zuko has been gone for four years and Azula is now next in line for the throne. Asahi would be her successor when she sits on the lavish chair of honor that people have killed, died, tortured,fought, and sacrificed for. Azula isn't the first born child which is bad enough but throw in the fact she is female makes it worse.

Men in congress are complaining how she doesn't know what struggle is. How she is just a pampered and spoiled little girl who should be married off. Birth an heir to replace Zuko, not replace him. Ladies of the court gossip and whisper in almost silent voices how she would be beautiful like her mother but that was not what their country needs. That a pretty Queen was useless without a strong level headed and devoted mind. Which was true.

Azula knew little of loyalty. One day she was friends with one group of girls and the next she was selling their secrets to the highest bitter.

She only slightly cared for Asahi because she believed he could be an asset. Someone, a male, who could vouch her claim to the throne. Asahi learned this a month ago after finding Azula's old books of tactics that she wrote herself. A confession to using him.

Not much changed in their relationship though. Asahi decided it was best to let her believe he owed her. If she tried anything he had all her books and was ready to relay to their Father of her disloyal thoughts to their nation and himself.

But that was all irrelevant now.

The young Prince sat at his desk going over old letters and art for a test this coming week. He had finished all his homework for the next two months and was desperate to silence his mind with work.

Thoughts of vivid nightmares and his mother calling him a bad child plagued his mind.

Asahi was now thirteen years old. Over the years he grew taller with Ozai's jaw, Ursa's nose, his grandmother's sharp eye shape. His eyes were still a vivid red that was fueled by caffeine and the drive to stay awake. He was as a foot behind Azula who was 5'6. His hair of once dark brown was so black it looked almost purple.

He wore gold and black fabric now, instead of reds and gold. He was to be seen as his sister and Father's shadow. The one perfect prince to all. He did a very good job of it too. Black and red robes symbolize royal status, importance, loyalty, honor and are worn by advisors of royal blood. Very few have the privilege to ware it and for that Asahi is grateful to his father and proud.

He now is terrified to look in the mirror though. In fear of seeing a scared little boy whose mother left without so much of a trace.

Ladies of the court pitted him and thought he was in need of a motherly touch. When that was brought to Ozai's attention he married Eama(Ee-Ya-ma(A/n: I made it up)) . A 37 year old woman from a high class background. A widow.

Eama and Azula never got along, maybe because Eama was no where near as good as a Queen as Ursa was. And never will be.

"She can't even give birth to a boy" Azula said. Which was true. Eama has had two miscarriages and a stillborn but managed to have one healthy child. Her name was Su Jay. A non bender.

The courtmen had a riot.

Sure Azula was born a daughter from Ursa, but at least she also birth a son before and after her.
Azula also wasn't a useless non bender.

A non Bender was the child of their Fire Lord!?

The only way to defuse the bomb was to say that Ursa was his wife still, since there was no proof that she died. And that Eama's daughter was a bastard. Nothing more.

The child never got to see the age of one however and was now dead. Assassination attempt.

Eama, oh Agni, she was heart broken.

But that was all two years ago. Eama was still in her good looks but was far out of her prime.

She was still tall with the posture of a proud noblewoman. With her same facial features and everything. But her body was more plump. She had bigger thighs, saggy breast, smile lines, worry lines, and her skin was aged in bits to where she needed to moisturize more often.

Her eyes showed a broken woman who lost her beloved daughter in a senseless war she had no part in and didn't support. Her hair that was once a hazel brown had a single silver streak.

She wasn't as old as she looked.

Over the time after Su Jay's death Eama wore make up more and more. She was rarely seen by anyone but Asahi.

He thought of her as more of an Aunt but still loved her in a way. His heart may have been burnt and then frozen in a dormant sleep but it was there. He still loved and hated as a human was aloud to.

Asahi's POV:

Its been a while since our family has been happy. Sane.

Right now I only have my friends and maybe my step mother. But none of us can do much in this war.

I'm only 13. I've heard rumors of the Avatars return but all the nobles pray that it isn't so. That it was just a lie from crazy pirates and the Earth Kingdom. I hope its true.

It means that Zuko might come home soon and I'll be farther from the throne. Away from a life of meetings, paperwork and talking to people I don't like. That's already my life now but being Fire Lord would be 10 times worse. I'd have to do it all with pose grace, a level head and entertain while I'm at it.

Anyway, I heard that he was only a year older than me at 14(A/n: I know Aang was twelve but in my book he is 14 when it all starts and 16 when it ends, you'll find out why😉)

I'm not allowed near the battlefield until Azula is given the word and even then I wouldn't be on active duty. Father's orders out of concern.

The sad thing is Azula is willing to go along with it in hopes of pleasing him.

But that's her issue not mine though.

I finish all my work, again, and now have nothing to do. Avila is in the stables and I can't go there because Father got mad when I went out in the rain. He even spanked me!! Me! Asahi!

To be honest if it was anyone like Zuko or Azula I knew their punishment wouldn't end with a lecture on their safety and importance.

Dad's been doing that a lot lately. Telling me to not do stupid things and directing me to the right thing. I never make the same mistake twice and I don't mess up a lot but he's very strict. Like if I get less than a 120, 24/7 he'll have a speech, a list of new rules to follow and a punishment on top.

At my age Zuko was full on beat or ignored for his failures and Azula was burnt and yelled at. I guess I'm the lucky one for whatever reason. I think I'm the only one out of my siblings who loves our Father. I know he somewhat cares about them too. Less then me, I don't mean to boast, but he cares for them. If he didn't Zuko would be dead a long time ago.

It may be because I'm the second son like him or the youngest but we care about each other in our own way.

There's a knock on my door and in comes Ren. Over the years she's gotten a bit taller and wore sages clothing. It was to practice her religious ambition and understanding. She's been an apprentice since last year.

She smirks at me,"Your Dad told me to get you. He wants to talk about Azula hunting for Prince Iroh and Zuko." Ren doesn't bother to bow to me, whether because we're the same age or are betrothed I don't know, and leaves.

I have to fight the urge to sigh as I get out of my desk and head to the throne room. I wonder what can possibly go wrong. Famous last words.

Famous last words.

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