Sunshine on Cloudy days

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Ursa and Ozai have come to an agreement. They would have one more child. That was all.

Ozai wanted another child to show that he had more heirs then his brother and make him a more likely heir to the throne. Ursa wanted another child so Azula wouldn't be so spoiled. In their eyes this child was just what they needed.

That's why they were still laying in bed in only a velvet blanket to cover them.

Ursa had her long dark brown hair in a messy bun and Ozai a typical top knot.

"Lord husband..."Ursa started. " If this child is indeed born healthy and a bender-" Ozai scoffs at the if  for bending, foolish women, of course his child will be a bender." What will we name them? What will they look like? I wonder what their dreams and ambition will be..." Ursa begins to list all the possibilities of the life she could be holding.

Ozai rolls his eyes, a bit fondly, at his wife's thoughts. "They will be a fire bender, like their bloodline, have golden, yellow,orange or even brown eyes and look like us. Like their siblings." He says closing his eyes.

8months later

"Lady Ursa! Lady Ursa!!" A young women calls to her mistress in the room filled with noble women.

"Yes  Li? What is it." A 8 month pregnant Ursa asks. Her hair is in a traditional braided bun, her royal robes were red with golden design. They were thin since it was the middle of summer and heat waves were becoming more common.

The noble women around the princess were all around 35-29 , Ursa herself being 32. With the pregnancy she has been able to do less and less, even missing her daughter's  3rd birthday a week ago. She has to make it up to her as soon as possible.

The young women bows deeply at the hip, back perfectly straight, hands folded in front. The perfect desplay of how to bow to an elder and superior. She raises and puts on a nervous face, "Aki sent me to get you. Her sister has just fallen ill and Aki is the only one in her family who has medical experience. They need her and she left immediately. I can imagine she'll be back tomorrow at dawn though"

Ursa sighs and days farewell to her ' friends 'and leaves to find her children. She can't blame Aki, her sister was 41 with nine boys in the military. Her sister can't take care of herself and Aki only got this job to pay for her home and daughter.

"Zuko and Azula don't really need a royal nanny anyway" Ursa mumbled to herself. They didn't, really they spend most of their time at school or training. Though Aki  is a good fire bending instrocter when their master wasn't around.

When Ursa found her children she wasn't surprised to see Zuko by the turtle-duck pond and Azula sitting next to him. They were so adorable Ursa almost felt bad for having to interrupt.

Almost. She still had to make up to Azula.

"Zuko, Azula!! Come here!! Mama needs to talk to you!!" Ursa calls her children's attention.

Zuko runs to his mother and gives her a huge embrace minding her stomach like he was taught to she Ursa was pregnant with Azula.
Azula on the other hand slowly walked up and just looked at her mother's baby bump.

"What is DAT??" She says confused and silently concerned.
Was it an illness her mother contracted???

Ursa only laughs at Azula and smiles."Its my belly. Theres a baby inside Azula. " Ursa says.

"A very important baby" A sudden voice behind Ursa said.

Ozai,in all his glory, stood behind his pregnant wife.

Ursa suddenly hisses and holds her hand to her abdomen.
She then fells blood fall to the ground.

"Zuko, Azula!! Go get the doctor!!" She urges her children falling into Ozai's arms.
The pain was excruciating!!! It wasn't this bad with Zuko and the first borns are always the most painful, Azula wasn't so bad and neither was Zuko. Why was this child different??

Ozai didn't know what to do. Was this how miscarriages happen? Was his wife going to die? Was this going to be how his wife dies??Was Ursa going to birth a stillborn??

Ozai didn't know what to think, he wasn't even there when Ursa was pregnant with his other children, let alone for the whole process. It was safe to say Ozai really wished he had better timing.

Before Ozai could say anything however, a doctor and three midwives wisked Ursa away to the birthing chamber.

In the birthing chamber

Over Ursa's screams of agony the doctor was talking to one of the midwives to think of why Ursa went into labor so soon.

"She had a whole month left! Maybe Agni wanted the child born on a cloudy heat wave." The midwife concluded.

They went back to their job and finally, after tons of blood, sweat and more blood a baby boy was born. He had big gold and red eyes,thick black hair and a electric current that sent a shock when he was out.

"A heathy boy princess!" The midwife says trying to take Ursa's  off of the pain that lingered.

"Can I see him?? I don't hear him." Ursa says frantically.

The baby was breathing, he was just not crying. You could tell with the little puffs of smokes coming from his nostrils. A sign of a hot inner fire that can't be  extinguished. A sign that Ursa had done her duty in birthing a powerful heir to the throne.

A reminder that this child would be a bender by Ozai and not her beloved Ikem.

The midwives get up and begin cleaning up handing the babe to Ursa.

She sits the babe on her chest smiling down at the baby. "Get Ozai " She says in a weak, tired voice." He should meet his son." She explained .

Not a minute later Ozai was in the room with his wife."Ursa " he says sitting next to Ursa and his child.

" Its a boy. He didn't cry once " She says proudly.

"His name is Asahi" Ozai states calmly. Looking into his sons big gold eyes. He was going to be a bright child. Ozai could tell already.

Hopefully he would burn bright and long.

If only he was born first.

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