Chapter 1: A lunch

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Naeun's POV

I looked down to his hand, before looking back up to him.

"Geum Naeun," I said, without returning his handshake.

"You know, my grandmother always said that it's rude to not accepting a handshake from—"

I cut him off as I shook his hands for only 2 seconds, before pulling my hand back.


"Again, I'm sorry about your phone. Come with me, I'll buy you a new one.", he said with a smile as I followed him.

He lead the way to a luxurious Hyundai Palisade, as he hopped into the driver's seat, before popping his head out from the car.

"Hop in,"

I walked towards the passenger seat next to him, as I fastened my seatbelt, while he did the same to his.

He drove away from the area, heading to somewhere else, whereas he stopped in front of a tall building.

"Let's go,"

"Wait, why are we here? Aren't we supposed to go to buy me a new—holy shit, are you a rapist??? GET ME OUT OF HERE—", I tried to open the car door to run for my dear life, but the door just won't opened, freaking me out even more.

"No, it's not like that! Naeun-ssi, I know we're supposed to go to a mall right now but I can't go with my sweaty body like this. So I'm going to shower first," he explained, and only then, I stopped freaking out.

He clicked a button, as I opened the car door, and we both walked up to the entrance of the building.

Hoseok lead the way to an elevator, as he pressed the button labelled with number '17', as the elevator started to move.

The elevator was rather transparent, as I looked down to the eye-catching view below us.

Hoseok chuckled at my reaction, and that is when the elevator stopped at the 17th floor.

"This way," he said, and walked ahead of me, and we stopped in front of a door, as Hoseok typed in the password to his apartment.

Then, he pushed the door opened, gesturing me to walk in first, as my eyes scanned through my surrounding.

Damn, he's rich as fuck.

"Do you want anything? A drink or something?", he asked, as I sat on a golden brown sofa as what Hoseok told me.

"Anything is fine,"

"Alright," he smiled, and opened his fridge, grabbing a carton of banana milk, before pouring its content into a glass.

He walked towards me with the glass in his hand, as he placed it on the table, before sitting on a single sofa on my right.

"Wait, I think I've seen you somewhere before.", he said, as he leaned closer, examining my face.

I leaned away slightly, trying to maintain a safe distance between our faces because I don't want to give my first kiss to a bastard who made my phone swim in the river.

"Ah! I remember it now! You're that cashier girl at 7-eleven!", he snapped his finger, smiling proudly.

I stared at his face, as I tried to recall if I've seen his face while I'm on duty—

He's that freak who ruffled my hair.

"Ah, so you're that creep who ruffled my hair, aren't you?"

"I'm not a creep," he frowned, glaring at me.

"It is creepy to suddenly ruffled people's hair!", I argued as he rolled his eyes obnoxiously as he stood up from his seat.

"I'm going to take a shower," he said, walking up to his bedroom, whereas I walked around the place.

I found myself staring at a picture of seven good looking guys, including Hoseok, and by looking at the background, I could tell they took that picture at Naejangsan National Park.

Hoseok's other six friends are good looking too, and I can't even imagine their life having girls swooning over them.


I turned around, and saw Hoseok who's now wearing a denim jeans and a plain baby blue sweatshirt, with a beanie on.

"You're ready?", I asked, as he stood next to me, looking up to the picture that caught my attention.

"Ah, they are my friends. My best friends," he smiled at the picture, and I could tell he is a very loving person.

"I can introduce you to them though if you want—"

"No, it's okay. It'll gets awkward for them, and for me.", I assured him, as he chuckled.

"No, they won't be awkward. They would love to have a new friend," he said. "And they're far away from awkward,"

"Now, shall we?", he said, smiling brightly, as he lead the way out of the place, making sure his door is locked.

We walked towards his car again, as we both hopped in, and after what it seems like hours, we're finally here,

Times Square Mall.

We walked towards the entrance, instantly walking up to an Apple shop. My eyes wandered around, as Hoseok looked at the smartphones displayed along the tables.

I rushed towards Hoseok, before lowly tugged on the sleeve of his sweatshirt, as he turned his head to me.

"Why are we here?", I asked him as he gave me a confused look, "To get you a new phone?"

"But my phone isn't Apple, it's not that...expensive,"

He smiled warmly, "It's okay, I'm buying you a better one as an apology for damaging your phone.", he said and left to examined the phones at the other table.

"Naeun-ssi," he called my name as he gestured me to come to him, in which I did, and he pointed at the phone displayed right in front of us.

Iphone X max.

"This is too expensive, just get me an exactly similar one.", I said, giving him an uneasy smile.

"It's fine, it's just 1486486.50won.", he smiled, insisting on buying me the damn expensive phone.

It's just 1486486.50won??

Bitch, that's my 3 months life expenses! And yet he said it's JUST 1486486.50won like it was nothing more of the price of a candy?

Damn, this guy is hella rich.

"Fine, I'll take anything.", I sighed in defeat, and he called a promoter over to say that he's buying that phone.

He paid for my new phone, as he handed me the Apple shopping bag, smiling brightly.

I slowly grabbed the bag from his hand, as I looked into the bag and took out my new phone.

"Thanks," I said to him and he nodded, before looking at our surrounding, his eyes scanning for something.

He turned his attention back at me, smiling from ear to ear, and I swear to god he is the prettiest man I've ever seen on earth.



"Now how about a lunch together?"

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