Chapter 10: Revealed

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Naeun's POV

We just arrived to the hotel that Dawon unnie has booked for both of us, and we're both tired after a long hours in the plane.

I jumped into the queen sized bed, looking up to the ceiling, sighing out of tiredness.

Suddenly, my ringtone came off, as I grabbed my phone from my handbag. I looked at the Caller's ID, and I unknowingly smiled.

'Jung Hoseok'

I swiped my finger across the screen, answering the call from Hoseok. I put my phone near my ear, and was immediately greeted by his soothing voice.


"What's with the sudden call?"

"Nothing, I'm just—never mind. Bye," and with that, he ended the call, leaving me clueless.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy?", I scoffed, setting my phone next to my head.

My phone made a 'ding' sound, as I unlocked my phone screen, and opened the newly received text message.

jung hoseok: rest well<3

Hoseok's message got me smiling from ear to ear, as I slightly threw my phone on the bed, giggling to myself.

I sat up straightly, as my eyes grew wide at my unusual cheeky self.

"Holy shit, what was I doing??"


It has been six days we're both in Dubai, and tomorrow we're going back to Korea. Hoseok has been calling me 5 times a day ever since the day we just got here.

But every call is just a short conversation with him saying things like—

"Jungkook bought a new dog recently,"

"I'm bored,"

"When are you coming back?"

"I invite my other six friends over,"

He literally just said a sentence, and then that's it, he ended the call. I don't know what has gotten into him lately.

Dawon unnie and I just got back to the hotel after the last night of the fashion show, and she couldn't be happier as her collection was announced as the best collection among other 30 collections.

She promised me that she's going to treat all of us to a dinner when we get back home tomorrow.

I just finished washing up, as I lazily made my way towards the bed, pulling the sheet over my body.

My ringtone came off again, and it was a facetime from none other than Jung Hoseok. I answered the call, calmly speaking, "Hello?"

"Hey! You're coming home tomorrow!", he beamed brightly, sounding happier than ever.

I chuckled at his over flowing excitement, shaking my head at his energy, "Yeah, yeah, are you that excited?"

"Of course! I've been waiting for you for a whole week!"

"Pft, it's just a week,"

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