Chapter 7: A question

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Naeun's POV

I was so shocked to be waking up next to Hoseok that morning. I can't even recall how did I even ended up in the same bed with him.

And right at that moment, Hoseok's sister barged in, looking as anxious as me, and she made her way towards us.

Out of my expectation, her lips tugged upwards into a teasing smirk as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"Well, that escalated quick,"

"What—no! Noona, we did nothing! I swear," Hoseok denied whatever his sister is thinking about because of course, nothing happened between us in the first place.

"Yes, he's right. We just happened to be waking up in the same bed but nothing happened. I can assure you that,"

"Well, who knows.", she shrugged, walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

But not long after, the door squeaked opened, as her head popped out from the door, smiling mischievously.

"Maybe you guys can go for round two,"

Both of our eyes went wide at her words, as Hoseok ran towards his sister but she managed to ran off before getting caught by her brother.

He just stood there, shirtless, and I quickly jumped out of his bed, not wanting to stay longer in his room.

I was about to walk out of there, but then he called out my name, so I turned around to face the half naked guy in front me.



"Get ready, I'm taking you home. And um, I'm sorry about my sister. She can be annoying sometimes," he said awkwardly, as his hand made its way towards his nape.

"I-it's alright,"

I flashed him one small smile, before walking out of his room, and ran back into my room.

"Shit, how did I even ended up in his bed??", I groaned to myself.

I tried to recall whatever that happened last night, but the only thing I could recall is me sleeping in this room after taking a shower.

I don't remember anything about going into his room—


Maybe I went into the wrong room after coming out of the bathroom at 3am.

Yes, that's what happened.

It was so dark in the hallways, so maybe I mistaken his room as mine, because I can't see clearly because of the darkness.

"Okay, let's just stop thinking about it and go take a shower.", I said to myself, walking up to my towel that was hanging against the door.

I grabbed my clothes too, thinking of getting changed in the spacious bathroom, not wanting to come out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around my body.

I walked into the bathroom, and took a shower. I wrapped the towel around my body, before walking towards my clothes next to the clear cabinet.

Out of the blue, Hoseok walked in, with a towel wrapped around his waist, still keeping his upper body exposed.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!", he quickly looked away and walked out of the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

Why do I always get a greeting from his abs?


Hoseok's POV

I shoved a fistful of popcorn into my mouth as I watched a movie that Jungkook has insisted to watch.

Jungkook enjoyed the movie so much, but I am not really fond of science fiction movies like we're watching now.

I am so bored at home, as I turned my head to Jungkook. He had his eyes totally focused on the TV screen, not even blinking his eyes.



"I'm going out for a while," I said and stood up from the couch.

"Where to?", he asked, without facing me.

"Um, I'll think about that later.", I replied and quickly get changed into my black jeans, and a blue hoodie.

I put on my snapback, before putting on my Puma footwear, walking towards the front door.

I walked along the empty street, and stopped by a ddeokbokki stall, whereas I brought two bowls of ddeokbokki.

I was thinking of visitting Naeun at the convenient store, so I walked towards the store which is at the end of the street.

I am only 10 metres away from the store, and there I saw her playing with a cat in front of the entrance.

A smile formed on my lips, as I stared at her who's running her fingers through its fur.

Naeun may be a bit boyish but she has the softest heart, very loving, despite her habit of cursing most of the times.

I took a glance at my watch, and it is currently 5.30am so her shift will be over in half of an hour.

I walked up to her, as she stood up from her crouching position, looking up to me.

"What are you doing here?"

I held up the plastic that has two cups of ddeokbokki in it, as I smiled at her, "I bought ddeokbokki. Let's eat—"

"Great, I'm hungry.", she cut me off and grabbed the plastic bag from my hand, walking into the store, leaving me dumbfounded outside.

I chuckled at her behaviour, shaking my head at her little childish side, before pushing the door opened, walking towards her.

She is enjoying her ddeokbokki, and she can't even utter any single word as she had her mouth fully stuffed with ddeokbokki.

Suddenly, she coughed severely, as I ran to grab her a bottle of drinking water, before opening its lid, handing it to her.

She immediately gulped down half of the bottle, and only then she can breath normally.

"Slow down, wouldn't you?", I nagged, shaking my head at her stupidity.

"The ddeokbokki is too good,"

"That's not a reason for you to be eating carelessly,"

I started eating my ddeokbokki, as I sat next to her, enjoying our food together. Naeun really loves to eat.

I wonder if there's something that she can't eat. But for the time being, it seems like she can eat literally anything.

"Thanks for the very good food," she said, wiping her mouth with a tissue, before finishing the remaining volume of water in the bottle.

"No problem," I answered, shoving my empty cup into the plastic bag, throwing it into the trashbin.

"Oh, you're still here?", a girl said to Naeun, in which she replied with a smile.

"I was about to go home though. It's 6am already, so I guess I'll get home first. See you," she waved her friend a goodbye, walking towards the exit.



"Let's go home," she said, as I made my way towards her, as we walked along the empty street together.

There was nothing but silence in the air, none of us dared to say a word. I don't even know why but it suddenly feel awkward around her.

Naeun then stopped in front of the bridge, as she spreaded her arms, as she let her hair dances along with the cool breeze.

I fished out my phone from my pocket, as I secretly took a picture of her side profile.

She turned her head towards my direction, as she smiled brightly, still not knowing that I took pictures of her.



"Have you ever dated anyone?"

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