Chapter 2: Housemate

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Naeun's POV

Hoseok dropped me off at home, as he walked me to the entrance of my apartment building.

I turned around as I looked up to him. He had the usual bright smile on his face, shoving both of his hands into the pocket of his jeans.

"Thank you for the meal, and of course...this," I said to him, referring to my new phone.

"I'll get going now," I said, turning my back to him, and I would have got into my apartment if it weren't for him calling out my name.



He approached me, as he grabbed my phone from my hands, typing in something, as his fingers dances on my phone screen.

He handed it back to me, as I looked at my phone screen, and it portrayed a newly saved contact.

Jung Hoseok.

I looked back at him, as he smiled sweetly, shoving his hands back into his pockets.

"We should hang out more often," he said, and waved me a goodbye, as he left, leaving me bluntly at my door.

I typed in the password to my door, as I pushed the door opened, walking up directly to my room.

I threw the shopping back on the couch that was facing the balcony, as I jumped into my bed, stretching my arms and legs as I stared at my plain ceiling.

I was thinking about a way to get more money, so I can buy a ticket to Daegu and visit my grandmother.

A sigh escaped my lips, as I shifted my body position, facing the right side, as I stared at a picture of my family.

Well, when they're still alive.

My parents died when I was around 12 years old, and since then, my grandmother took care of me in Daegu.

After I graduated from high school, I moved back to Seoul because I need a job, and that's when I started to be independant.

Very independent.

I sat up straightly, looking around the place, as an idea popped up in my head.

"I can rent this place,"

A smile immediately made its way towards my face, as I grabbed my phone, writing an advertisement about my place.

I clicked 'post', as I layed back in my bed, waiting for any responses from someone who needs a place.

I rested my phone on my chest, as I smiled at the thought of being able to visit my beloved grandmother.

Exactly a minute later, my new phone made a 'ding' sound as I quickly grabbed my phone, and looked at the newly received text in Line.

mickeymickey: hello. i just want to ask, is the place you're talking about still available?

ilovepizza: yes!

mickeymickey: that's great! i'll move in tomorow then.

ilovepizza: sure! and thank you for renting this place.

mickeymickey: no problem

Leaving the message on seen, I put my phone on my nightstand on my left, as I smiled to myself.

That guy seems nice. I guess it's not going to be a problem for me to live with him.

Out of the blue, my eyelids are getting heavier out of my will, as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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