Chapter 20: Over

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Naeun's POV

"Girls, I'm still up for a hang out though."

We both looked back at each other, before smiling mischievously at each other. "Karaoke?", we both said in unison.

"Hell yeah!", we both beamed in excitement, once again in unison.

"I'll go get Jungkook," Hoseok said and turned off the TV, heading to his room to tell Jungkook that we're going out.

Seconds later, Jungkook came out from Hoseok's room, wearing a black jeans, and an unbuttoned dark blue shirt, with a black tee underneath.

"Damn, looking good there, Mr. Jeon!", I complimented him.

He just smiled sheepishly, and quickly looked away after his eyes meeting Areum's.

"Let's go," he said, as all four of us walked out of the apartment, heading to Hoseok's car, before Hoseok sped up towards the mall.

It took us 15 minutes to reach there, as all of us hopped out from the car, making our way towards the entrance.

Hoseok slipped his hand into mine, as we lead the way to the karaoke room, with the other soon-to-be couple trailing behind us.

We both turned around, and saw how awkward it is for Jungkook. Areum is doing just fine, because she is not that type to be all shy around people.

Totally the opposite of Jungkook, who keeps on awkwardly rubbing his nape from time to time.

"Hey, cupcake,"

I instantly looked up to Hoseok, quite surprised at the nickname he gave me, "What...did you just call me?"



"Jagi is too common, you know. So I want to be different," he grinned.

"Ugh, whatever.", I shook my head, before looking back at Jungkook and Areum.



"Let's do this,"

"Do what?"

I leaned closer to his ear, whispering my plan into his ear, as he chuckled at my plan. "Great idea, cupcake.", he said, as we high fived each other.

We both then rushed towards them, and got into our positions, squeezing them both in the middle.

And Jungkook's ears turned red immediately.

We came to a stop in front of a karaoke lounge, as Hoseok went to book a room for us.

We entered the room immediately, and we sang our hearts out, and Hoseok is surprisingly quite good in singing.

Areum has been watching us performing in front of the big TV screen, and I noticed how Jungkook would steal a glance at her.

Then, I forced Jungkook to sing Winter Night originally by Samuel, and damn, he has such a great voice.

If I were Areum, I would have been head over heels for him at this instant.

The last part of the lyrics is 'I love you', and as Jungkook sang the last line, he stared at Areum with a soft and sincere gaze.

I turned to look at Areum, who is silently blushing at Jungkook's action. I whispered to Hoseok about what just happened, and he giggled along with me.

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