Chapter 9: A new job

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Naeun's POV

Hoseok suddenly walked into my room, asking if he could sleep with me, saying that he keeps on imagining the ghost's face from the movie we were watching earlier.

At first, I was hesitant a bit if I should let him sleep in my room, but knowing how much of a trustworthy person he is, I granted his request.

We were playing 20 questions since both of us aren't feeling sleepy at all, and it is my turn to ask him a question.

"What is your biggest secret?", I asked him, and he had a flustered look on his face, before looking straightly into my eyes.

"I like you,"

My eyes widened at his sudden confession, because I asked a question, and his answer is totally out of topic.

"W-what are you talking about? I asked what is your biggest secret—"

"That was my answer," he cut me off, looking relaxed even after he confessed.


"I've never told anyone about my feelings towards you, so it is my biggest secret.", he shrugged, defending himself.

I went speechless at his remark, as I turned my back to him, avoiding the situation.



"My turn,"

"I'm not playing anymore," I said, without looking at him.


"Go get some sleep,"

"What's so wrong about me liking you? Why are you acting like this?", he spoke behind me.

I just stayed silent, hoping that he'll think that I'm asleep, so this conversation will be over because I can't breath in an awkward situation like this.

He suddenly confessed, and we've known each other for like four months. How can he develop feelings for me in the mean time?

That's so soon.

He poked my arm slightly, shocking the heck out of me, as I shifted my attention back at him.

He had a warm smile on his face, as he looked at me, his face showing nothing but love and pure affection.


"Why what?"

"Why do you like me?"

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"I'll just think that you were just fooling around—"

"No, I'm not! I really do like you," he said softly, the expression on his face soften.


He looked at me in anticipation, probably hoping that I'll say the same thing to him.

But I turned my back to him instead, facing my another nightstand. "I'm going to sleep," I finished my words as he groaned in frustration.

He's not joking, isn't he?


I squinted my eyes opened, as I looked around, and saw Hoseok is already up, his head resting on his arms, as he stared at me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Morning," he grinned, the corner of his eyes wrinkled, accompanying his cute eye smiles.

"Hm," I yawned, before sitting up straightly, stretching my arms.

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