Chapter 6: Waking up to something unusual?

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Naeun's POV

My eyes slowly travelled to Hoseok, as I heard him, as my smile slowly fades away.

And it is kinda awkward for the both of us at the moment, as Hoseok had his hand on the counter.

I looked away, and that is when Areum came, as I took a single glance at the clock, which has just striked 6.

So now it's Areum's turn to look after the store.

She walked up to us, as she eyed Hoseok weirdly. "Who's this?", she asked, shifting her attention to me after sparing a glance at Hoseok.

"Jung Hoseok," I answered in short without looking at her.

Hoseok smiled brightly, as he lent his right hand, in which Areum hesitantly shakes his hand.

"Naeun's new housemate,"

Areum had her eyes wide at Hoseok's introduction, as she gasped, "Your housemate is a guy???"

I grabbed Hoseok's hand, as I dragged him towards the exit, before sparing a glance at Areum.

"We'll get going now,"

I released my grip on his hands as soon as we're outside, but not even for seconds, Hoseok grabbed my hand again, dragging me with him.

"Yah, let me go! Where are we going?"

I tried to pull my hand out of his grip, but compared to my not so strong self, Hoseok's strength won over mine.

"The store,"

"Which store?"

"My sister's store," he answered, but still holding my hand tightly in his.

I had no choice but to follow him closely behind like a lost puppy, and while we were waking, he finally released my hand.

I crossed my arms against my chest, as we walked next to each other in a slow yet steadily matching pace.

Hoseok had his hands shoved into the pocket of his hoodie, as he turned his head towards my direction.

"I was wondering though," he said out of the blue, in which I looked up to him.

"What did the guy said to you that piss you off that much?", he asked, as I turned my head to him.


"At that moment, Eunbyul and me were waiting for our orders and suddenly that bastard stopped by our table. Then he said something like 'Damn, this girl is pretty fly!' then I just tell him to fuck off."

"Isn't that a compliment? Why are you getting mad over—"

"No, it's not! And it didn't end there, he said my voice is sweet and probably turned him on. The guy leaned closer to my ear, as he whispered, 'What about this sweet voice of yours moaning out my name?' and how am I not supposed to not get mad?"

"He what? Wow, that guy really had the nerves to say that to you? Wow," he scoffed, his face reddened, and he looked angry as well.

"Calm down, what's with that grumpy face of yours?", I laughed, shaking my head at Hoseok who's getting mad for no apparent reason.

"How can he say that to my girl??"

"Pft, I'm not your girl.", I scoffed, walking ahead of him.

"Yah!", Hoseok called out, but I didn't even bother to turn around, as I heard his footsteps getting closer.

And now he's standing right next to me, walking backwards, as he blocked my way.

"Do you even know where that place is?", he asked, referring to his sister's clothing brand store.

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