Chapter 12: A chance

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Naeun's POV

Hoseok typed in the password to our apartment, as he pushed the door opened, as we both get in.

I walked up to my couch, laying in the L-shape couch, somehow feeling tired after spending time with the guys.

After the dinner, we went to Han river, and cycled all around the park. We really had a good time with each other.

Hoseok sat next to me, sighing out of exhaustion, as he turned his head to me. "Naeun-ah,"

I sat up straightly, looking at him who already had his first two buttons of the shirt he's wearing unbuttoned.


"Let's watch a movie,"

"Sure, I'm not sleepy too.", I said, and he switched on the TV, connecting it to his wifi, as he looked up for something that's entertaining to watch.

He picked a korean romance comedy movie, as he ran to grab some snacks after leaving the movie on pause.

He came back with bags of chips in his arms, as he put them on the table, along with two bottles of pepsi.

We watched the movie in silence, well, except the sound of us munching on the snacks.

We're both into the movie, and it is pretty awesome. Ever since Hoseok moved in, this is the very first time we're spending time together watching a movie.

Usually, it's always him doing his stuff in his room while me going to work.

After 2 hours, the movie finally ended with a kiss scene between the guy and the girl, and we're both awkward after witnessing the scene.

Hoseok coughed awkwardly, as his hand went up to his nape, looking away from me.

"I'll...go to my room now," I said, as he looked up to me who's already standing up from my couch.

"Yeah, me too," he said, also standing up from his seat, and we both parted ways, heading to each other's room.

I flopped down my body onto my bed, feeling exhausted, and that is when I heard a knock on my door.


"Um, Naeun-ah,"

"What is it?"

"I think you better take a shower. There is some blood stain on the couch," he said, as my eyes went wide, and I instantly jumped out of my bed, as I ran to the mirror, and saw there is a blood red spot on my white slack.

"Oh shit," I cursed, feeling annoyed of this normal yet tiring shit.

"Thanks for informing, Hoseok.", I said to him.

"No problem. I've cleaned the couch for you," he said.

"You what?!!", I gasped, knowing that Hoseok cleaned my mess.

"Why the fuck did you clean it??? I should've done that! It's disgusting!"

"I just wanted to help. And it's fine, I'm not disgusted at all. Guys shouldn't be disgusted over these things because it's normal for a girl to be going through all this," he said, and he's right.

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