Chapter 4: A guest

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Naeun's POV

I walked along the empty street all by myself, and it is currently 6pm, and I just finished working at grandmother's restaurant.

Luckily I didn't have any shift today at the store, so I can rest at home. I took a deep breath as I feel releaxed, knowing that there's nothing to be rushed off.

"Geum Naeun!", I heard someone called behind me, as I turned around, and I immediately shifted my attention back to the front once I recognized who he was.

He stood beside me, smiling brightly as usual, "Where are you going?", he asked.

"I'm going to the beach,"

"Huh? Why would you go to a beach? Aren't you tired—"

"YOU KNOW I'M TIRED THEN WHERE DO YOU THINK I WOULD GO IF NOT HOME??", I raised my voice at him, and he was speechless.

I heaved out a sigh, somehow feeling guilty for suddenly yelling at him like that. "I'm sorry, okay? I just...I get annoyed easily when I'm tired. So just leave me alone, okay?", I said to him, and walked ahead of him, heading home.

I typed in the password to my apartment, as I went straight into my room, whereas I sat on my bed and Miri instantly jumped into my lap.

I ran my fingers through its fur, as I remembered the moment I yelled at Hoseok.

"Miri-ah, I think I went too far.", I said to Miri, thinking about Hoseok's reaction.

He was just trying to be friendly, and yet I yelled at him. Hoseok's eyes went wide at my loud voice, and he even slightly flinched.

Damn, maybe I indeed went too far.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts, followed by Hoseok's soft voice.


"I bought some pizza, let's eat together.", he said, as I turned my head to Miri as his footsteps started to fade away.

"He is really nice, isn't he?", I said to Miri, as I walked out of my room, heading to the kitchen.

I sat by the kitchen counter, while Hoseok prepared the pizza for us. He took a seat in front me, as he handed me a plate of pizza.

"Thanks," I said to him, and started digging in my pizza.

Hoseok is holding a piece of them in his right hand, but he hasn't started eating, as he stared at me who's devouring literally everything in my sight.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", I spoke with my mouth full, glaring at him.

"You're cute," he chuckled whole heartedly, and I somehow ashamed of myself for eating like a beast.

"Can't you just stop with all these damn cringy shit?"

And before I knew it, I've finished half of the big round pizza, and Hoseok still hasn't took a bite.

"Why aren't you eating?", I asked him, wiping the corner of my lips with a tissue.

"You can have it, I don't feel like eating.", he said, putting the untouched pizza back into its box.

Hell yeah.

I eated the whole big round pizza, and Hoseok is quite surprised that I could finish all of it.

"You're so tiny, yet such a big eater.", he said, as I wiped my mouth with another tissue.

"You still look so young, how old are you?", he asked, taking a sip on his iced americano.


"Oh, so which college do you go?", he asked, making me instantly looked up to him.

I looked down back to my lap, as I answered,

"I dropped out of collage,"

Hoseok went silent at my answer, as he lowly apologized, "It's fine," I said.

"I'm 26,"

"I'm surprised, I thought you're 45.", I said, and he had an offended look on his face.

"10810won," he said, helding out his right hand to me.

"What for?"

"My pizza,"

"What?? Yah, you said I can have it!", I argued.

"Well, I changed my mind. Unless, you take back what you said. Then I'm not going to charge you,"

"Fine, I take back what I said.", I sighed in defeat, not willing to pay him.

His lips tugged upwards, forming a sly smirk on his face. "Anyway, I invite a friend over.", he said as I looked at him in a quick motion.

"What??? Yah! I told you not to—"

I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, and I guess it's Hoseok's friend who's at the door.

"Too late, that's him.", he smirked, as he stood up, walking up to the door and welcomed his friend.

I looked up to his friend, as my eyes slightly widened as soon as I recognized his face.

"Oh? It's you," he said, recognizing me.

"You must be mistaken, we never met before.", I said, covering my face as I stood up.

"No, I'm sure it's you. That brutal girl," he said.

"Shit," I cursed underneath my breath, knowing that he still recognized me.

"You two knew each other?", Hoseok asked, as the guy answered,

"Yeah, we met at the usual restaurant where I usually go. She unintentionally threw a glass of chocolate smoothie at me," he chuckled, remembering that moment.

"She—what? Why?"

"A guy was bothering her, and she wanted to throw the glass at him, but the guy dodged it away so the chocolate smoothie bathed me instead of the guy.", he said.

"She's a beast, you better stay away from her—ah!", Hoseok said as I smacked the back of his head.

He winced in pain, as his face scrunched into a pained expression, earning a laugh from the guy.

"Asshole," I cursed at him.

"Anyway, I'm Jungkook.", the guy said, holding out his right hand.

"Jeon Jungkook,"

"Forget about handshakes, Jungkook. She won't—", Hoseok stopped as he looked down to our hands, as I shook hands with Jungkook.

"What—yah! You rejected my handshake and yet you received Jungkook's?? That's not fair!", he complained.

"Well, because he's not annoying.", I said, tilting my head cockily at Hoseok.

The said boy gasped, as he scoffed, "So you're saying I'm annoying?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying,"


We both started to bicker again, and Hoseok is not even close to giving up, and so do I, so we ended up spitting fire at each other for a few minutes.

"You know, they say if a guy and a girl always bicker with each other, they'll end up together.", Jungkook said.

I looked up to the guy in front me, as I rolled my eyes obnoxiously, "This guy? My boyfriend? Hell no,"

"Pft, even Mickey is way cuter than you.", Hoseok argued, as he looked away from me, crossing his arms against his chest.

"I never want to date a girl like you. Oh please,"

"Well hyung," Jungkook paused, as he stood next to me, slunging his arm over my shoulder.

"If you're not going to date her," he paused again, turning his head towards my direction as his lips curved up into a smile.

"I will,"

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