Chapter 3

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 **Trigger Warning:  This chapter contains the first of many flashbacks that include details of the MCs abuse.**

"Sit." The alpha said once we had entered his office. I sank down into a chair. He knelt in front of me and removed the cuffs. I rubbed my wrists quickly in hopes of diminishing the stinging creases. He placed his hand over mine to grab my attention. I froze. I hated physical contact. He used his other hand to tilt my chin up, forcing me to look at him again. I held my breath.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked.

I gulped and shook my head no. I felt certain I would remember if we had met before.

He nodded.

"Ok." He said. The small word was laced with emotion. I searched his eyes in an attempt to figure out what exactly those emotions were but he let go of me and stood up.

"Can you speak at all?" He asked. The emotions were gone from his voice and replaced with a calm professionalism I had to admire. He moved around to the other side of his desk.

I shook my head no again. Now that I had some space I had a chance to glance around. Even with the windows and the unlocked door there was no way I would be able to escape with an alpha only a few feet away from me. He moved back toward me suddenly and I tensed, ready if he decided to attack. I had probably been busted looking for an escape route. He didn't attack. Instead he set a notebook down in front of me and held out a pen. I looked at the pen and swallowed hard. It was almost worse than if he had decided to kill me. I knew questions would follow the second I took that pen. Questions I couldn't and wouldn't answer. I looked away and shook my head. He lowered his hand and looked up toward the door just before it opened.

"Adam said you are pissed. The rogue is human?" Someone asked. The door shut quietly. The alpha raised his hand in a gesture to me.

"My control is waning, and I'd like nothing better than to rip Alex's head off for this..." The alpha touched my arm. Instinctually I flinched. The alpha pinched the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath.

"You really are struggling." The Beta was surprised.

"She refuses to give any information." The alpha said. "She was going to die because she wouldn't tell Adam anything."

"Mm." The beta said. He took a seat in the chair next to me. "We can run a blood test that would tell us who she is. The council keeps records of everyone from the time they are born."

My heart skipped a beat at his words. If they ran my name through the system there was a good chance they would get a result and an even greater chance that they would send me back. I looked at the Beta. His deep blue eyes were patient, but he knew exactly what he was doing to manipulate me.

"It takes weeks, its expensive, we would rather you just tell us." He said.

I looked at the paper and then the alpha. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to be sent back. I definitely didn't want to be in anymore pain.

"We want to help you." The alpha said. He sounded honest enough but he didn't know what helping me entailed. He couldn't help me. He held the pen out to me again.

"Tell us your name." He said.

There was only one way out of this. Lies. Rowan used to call me by a weird nickname. No one knew it because she was the only one that used it. It would have to be enough. I took the pen. My hand shook as I wrote the name.

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