Chapter 63

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            Amelia was beginning to fuss more and more often as we waited for Emily, and Aaron. She had refused to allow Matthew anywhere near her and she refused to allow me to put her down. After several hours of walking and rocking my arms were starting to ache and I was beginning to feel like a total failure.

            A wave of relief washed over me when the front door opened and Emily and Aaron came in. Emily's face brightened as she looked at me and then even more when she looked at Amelia. Aaron still looked tense but his eyes softened a little as he realized no one was hurt.

"Hi baby!" Emily said as she came over to us. Amelia immediately turned away and cringed into my hair as she had done every time Silas made an attempt to take her.

"She hasn't let anyone else touch her." Silas said. He was leaning against the wall just far enough away not to upset Amelia again.

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked.

Silas looked at me and nodded. He wanted me to show them. I shifted as if to hand Amelia to Emily. Amelia took several gasping breaths, her lower lip trembled, and she burst into a terrified wailing cry. On her third wail she let out an ear piercing shriek that forced Emily and Silas to both flinch back as if slapped. I pulled Amelia back against me and returned to rocking her and rubbing her back.

"What the hell was that?" Emily asked. She still had her hands over her ears in case Amelia let out another unexpected wail. Amelia had already quieted into soft fussing but I didn't blame Emily for being cautious. Whatever Amelia was doing to the others looked painful.

"She's using her scream in combination with her magic to ward off werewolves." Aaron said. He watched Amelia intently as he spoke. He looked both concerned and impressed.

'She wouldn't let Matthew draw blood to test and now she won't let him near her at all. Matthew is pretty certain it's because of everything that happened but I can't... I don't...' I signed as best I could with one hand.

"She's can't be the only one responsible for Amelia all of the time. She's great with her, obviously, but no one can do this completely alone. I told James and Annie they could head home and we would keep them updated on what happens here so Samuel is gone as well and he was the only other person that could hold her. Rylan has been holding her for hours." Silas said for me. I nodded in agreement.

"Uhh..." Aaron shifted uncomfortably. He looked at Silas and they did some form of silent communication. Aaron sighed and came over to stand in front of me. He adjusted my hair back away from Amelia's grasp and held both hands up as if offering to take her. Amelia eyed his hands warily. She made no move toward him but most importantly she also did not cringe away. Aaron reached over and took her. His movements were slow but deliberate. Amelia fussed but she didn't start screaming the way she had with all the other. I let my arms drop in relief.

"Let's take this into your office." Aaron said. Amelia quieted with Aarons patting and bouncing technique. The four of us went in to Silas office. No one spoke until Silas had shut the door behind us.

"So she's a little witch?" Emily sounded even more warry than I felt.

"Yup." Aaron sighed.

"And that means..." Emily trailed off.

"Yup." Aaron said again.

'What?' I asked.

"She can tell who has magic and who doesn't. She doesn't want anything to do with anyone that doesn't." Aaron said.

"Except Sammy." Emily pointed out.

"Samuel is her mate. Trusting him is different." Silas said.

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