Chapter Fifteen

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We sat at Josie's bar, mourning the loss of a wonderful woman. "Thanks," Foggy muttered when Josie brought over a new bottle of whiskey. "I'll keep 'em coming, love," she said, touching his arm before leaving us to grieve. She could tell. I'm sure everyone in the bar could tell. Not that there were too many people. Just a few regulars.

Foggy popped the lid and poured some into Karen's glass before adding to his own. Matt had barely touched his and mine was empty. "When we first took the case, Karen and I went to Landman and Zack," Foggy started as he filled my glass once more before adding to his drink. "Marci talked about a criminal element in Elena's building. Said that's why the workmen left without finishing the repairs," Foggy said as I lifted my glass to my lips. Taking a big gulp, I continued to listen. "Because they feared for their safety," Karen added. "I thought it was bullshit," Foggy grumbled, shaking his head before taking a big drink. "Maybe it was," Matt muttered. "Tell that to Elena," Foggy hissed at his friend.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Karen asked Matt who straightened at her question. "Well, I don't know. Just doesn't feel right, does it?" Matt asked us. "I'll drink to that," Foggy agreed, pouring for whiskey into his glass before taking a big gulp. "You think it was a coincidence?" Matt asked, a muscle in his jaw ticking. "Elena decides to stay and fight, to rally what's left of her neighbors, and this happens," Matt stated. I felt darkness creep into my gut. "Do you think Fisk had something to do with this?" Karen asked him, but I knew that was exactly what he meant.

"Speak of the Devil," Foggy said, pointing at the TV behind us. Glancing back, I saw Fisk on the screen. "Fisk is on the TV again," I growled in explanation for Matt. "Hey, Josie, could you turn that up?" Matt called to her. She did so. "No, I never had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Cardenas. I only recently took possession of her building," Fisk told the pressed. "How do you respond to reports that you knew the tenement was unsafe?" one reporter called as I chugged the rest of my glass. Grabbing the bottle, I filled it again.

"That is accurate. That's why we offered a substantial sum to Mrs. Cardenas and her neighbors to help them relocate. We should never let good people get swallowed up by this city. I mourn this woman's death. It didn't have to happen, it shouldn't..." Fisk trailed off. I couldn't look at his face anymore. He looked like he was actually sorry that he killed her. "Her passing is a symptom of a larger disease... infecting all of us. Disease of fear," Fisk continued as a phone rang. Glancing over, I saw Foggy holding it up. "Funeral home," he muttered before answering and taking a step away from the table.

"Fear of bombings. Fear of cop killings. Fear of a masked psychopath. We shouldn't let people like that take our city from us. We need to stand together. Let them know that they will fail... because we believe we can make a difference. Because they are cowards!" Fisk snapped to the reporter. I knew Fisk's words were getting to Matt because they were affecting me. "Afraid of stepping out of the shadows. Afraid of standing up for people like Mrs. Cardenas. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Fisk finished.

"Josie, turn that shit off," I grumbled to the bar owner. The TV was muted once more as I emptied my glass again. "Jesus, he almost sounds like he means it," Karen grumbled. "I think he does," Matt said, catching me by surprise. Karen scoffed. "And he's calling the man in the mask a psycho? I hope they trace what happened to Elena right to his doorstep," Karen growled before taking a drink.

"He'd never expose himself like that. Plus, half the force is probably in his pocket," Matt said, his voice soft and even. "Well, then, let's pray the Mask gets his hands on him. Knocks his goddamn head off," Karen continued to growl. She was angry and rightly so. Foggy was too, and even I was showing some emotion. But Matt, he was just blank – he was numb.

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