Chapter 38

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3rd Person POV

Matt was reluctant to leave Allison's side. But Stick had done something to help. Her heartbeat was steady once more, albeit a bit slow. She wasn't making anymore sounds of pain. She was finally unconscious. So, he left the bedroom to let her rest. Elektra stood near the glass slider; eyes locked on Allison's unconscious form. She still had her mask on. Elektra had known that Daredevil had a partner, but she had never guessed it was Allison. She had never guessed that she would be a fighter, much less a vigilante like Matt.

As he brushed past her, she found her gaze following him. His movements were slow now; tired and almost weak. "She'll recover?" Matt asked as Stick started cleaning up the small mess he had made to save Allison. "Twenty-four hours will tell. She's made it this far – farther than I thought she would," Stick admitted with a shrug. "Probably farther than you thought too," the old man added, gesturing to where Elektra was still standing on the edge of the living room.

Elektra froze at the way Stick spoke to her. She knew Matt had picked up on it – on the familiarity in his words. She knew he'd picked it up back at the warehouse; but he'd been too distracted with Allison then to really care. "Do... do you know each other?" Matt asked them, dumbfounded by the idea. "Don't," Elektra muttered, knowing Stick would ruin everything, just like always. "What the hell is going on? How do you know each other?" Matt snapped, stepping up to Stick as the old man attempted to move back towards the bedroom.

"I'm not done in there," Stick said sharply. "I want some answers!" Matt shouted in response. He was emotional, he knew that. Allison could have died, and she still wasn't out of the woods yet. The worst part about it was that he couldn't do anything to help her. And that made everything worse. "Everybody wants something," Stick replied, slight annoyance in his voice.

"Do you want me to throw you out?" Matt threatened even though it wasn't rational. "Not unless you want her to die," Stick growled, not pulling any punches. The old man knew exactly what Matt's weakness was. It hadn't changed since they first met when Matt was only ten. Matt took a small step back, letting Stick move. "Sit down, Matty," Stick grumbled as he moved past him and into the bedroom. Matt wanted to snap at him – wanted to tell him to never call him that again. But he didn't. He knew if he said anything, it would only start a fight between them and then Stick wouldn't be helping Allison. "Answer what you can. Maybe that'll keep him off my ass," Stick told Elektra before disappearing into the bedroom and pulling the slider closed.

Matt didn't push her to explain. If fact, he didn't want to hear it. All he wanted to do was sit and listen to Allison's heartbeat. It was a few hours later when Stick emerged from the bedroom. "How is she?" Matt asked, forcing himself to remain calm. He sat on the couch while Elektra had taken up residence in the small arm chair across the coffee table. Her attention had been on Matt the whole time. Watching his expressions change whenever he heard something she couldn't.

But, when the old man came out, she focused back on Allison. She had pushed Elektra out of the way. But why? "Well... she'll live," Stick replied, setting down a large wad of ripped sheets and the bottle of whiskey on the small table near the door. "Yeah? You sure?" Matt asked, getting to his feet. Elektra could feel the tension radiating off of him. He wasn't as calm as he pretended to be. "Sure as I am of anything," Stick replied as he moved closer to Matt.

Once he was in range, Matt's fist swung out, knocking the old man down on his knees. Elektra didn't even flinch at the sudden movement, just stared. Matt grabbed the front of Stick's shirt and lifted him from the ground and shoved him into the second arm chair near Elektra. "Jesus, didn't we do this already?" Stick groaned, shaking his head. "Start talking, Stick," Matt growled low. "Didn't you tell him?" Stick asked in annoyance, turning his blind eyes towards Elektra. "I don't want to hear her explanation, I wanna hear yours," Matt ordered, voice low and dangerous.

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