Chapter One

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I sit behind a computer going through the system. It has been three years since the day I accepted the job and just as Scar said. I became a ghost. I was announced dead a day after I was captured and my shop was cleared out. I hacked my computer at home erasing all the data on it and anything to do with the linkings of the tattoo parlors. My board of drawings to hint any suspicion of them was destroyed about anything linking them was destroyed. The dreams and visions stopped to my liking and Joe and I went back to being friends. I mean he is still a dick but I understood him a bit better now. Victor and the others still came to me for tally marks. I guess the only real difference is the investigations on the HAVOC investigations stopped due to a little handy work. I was able to get in the systems deleting some leads and putting new ones in to only lead them to dead ends.

"Tayla! We need you for some computer skills!"

I rolled my eyes and rolled away from my desk and to the rail that gave a down look at the meeting room.

"What is it this time? I am kinda in the middle of another assignment."

"Well, the boss said you can put it on hold. We are going into a government facility and are going to need someone to be our eyes."

"Oh no."


"I am not shutting the power off again. It causes the grid to go out not just the building."

"Yeah and your point is."

"My point is Victor, is that turning the power then getting into the security cameras so I can see your asses so you don't get shot is not an easy one two three one thing."

"Well, you are going to do it Tayla."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some of my equipment and brought it down to the meeting room. I threw it on the table and started setting up.

"I swear Victor if I get in trouble for this. It will be on your ass, not mine."

He smiled.

"Oh, I know. It is not like you don't ever let me forget, sides I know you secretly love me."

I smiled and batted my eyelashes like a love sick school girl.

"Only in your wildest dreams."

I turned back to my computer and continued putting in the codes to get into the area.

"I am in the government's lighting system. I am only going to have a split second to get into the main system before having to get in the back ups so I need the building and which square unit of land."

"That one."

Victor pointed at a picture like that was going to help me.

"I need a name, Victor, not a picture. We have been over this before."

"And you know we will have to go over it again. Building 224A."

"Thank you."

I typed in a few more codes then looked at the others over the top of my screen.

"I would start heading out if I were you. I can only hold the system for 30 minutes before the emergency system is activated. And the emergency lights will turn on in 45 minutes so make it quick."

"You heard her go!"

I pulled up the security camera system and got them ready for viewing. It took the team only 15 minutes to get in the building only giving them 15 minutes tops to do what they needed to do before I am kicked out.

"Hey Victor, you need to hurry up, or I am gonna be kicked out."

"Copy that."

I stared at the screen of my laptop watching the squad pick person by person off. I noticed a small movement to AJ's right but I could tell he had no idea.

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