Chapter Seven

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I woke up the next morning with a slight pain behind my eyes. I heard a knock, but didn't get up. I knew it was unlock and whoever was on the other side could come in but wouldn't if it wasn't important. I guess it is important because Vic came barging in with a mad glint in his eye.

"Vic, what is going on?"

I gave him a questioning look which he only gave me a confused look.

"Why did you not answer the door?"

"I figured if it was important whoever was on the other side would walk in."

"Too bad it wasn't important."

I laughed and scooted over on the coach patting the spot next to me.

"Why don't you take a seat Vic, We can talk over whatever is on your mind."

He walked over and sat next to me. I waited for a second waiting for him to start.

"Um.. I guess I did come here for something important. Scar wants to send us back to the scientist. Scar is ready to spread us out. He is going to disappear doesn't want part of this life. He is sending us back to restart the experiment then sending you away to a private hiry. You will be meeting him tomorrow."

"No I am not going to... I don't... I can't...."

I started breathing heavily, panicking of the thought of going back.

"Tay you need to calm down. I will be there with you every step of the way."

"What about when we are seperated what then?"

"We will take this one thing at a time and worry about it when we get there."

"I don't want to be separated from you all. We are all in this together. I can't go through another experiment of needles and knives and..."

"You will be fine. You just need to take a deep breath. Like I said we are going to take this one step at a time."

I put my head in my hands. I come back my short hair.

"Tay you will be fine. We are leaving in a few hours. Scar recommends we go down and sit with the others talk with them. We are the ones that went through the experiments they are going to be in worse shape than us."

I nodded then looked into his eyes. I blinked away the tears. I got up, closing my eyes real quick.

"Let's go. We need to make a pact for when we are seperated."

Vic got up and followed me to the door. The others were already at the table in complete silence. The silence seemed to speak for itself. I took a seat next to AJ and looked around the table.

"Vic filled me in on what is going on. If we are going to become private hitmen, we need to make a deal. If we were to be hired to go after each other we refuse. If one would need help we help them. Understand?"

Everyone nodded.

"Next matter, The experiments. As you all know Vic and I will be leaving in a few hours. When you all leave, find your strongest memory and hold onto it. It will help you in the end."

"How will we stay in touch?"

I looked over at Haylee. Her cristal blue eyes were red from crying. I gave her a small smile.

"He just will. We will take this one step at a time."

I say AJ smile next to me.

"I wish Connor was still here."

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