Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sound of knocking. I heard my door open but I didn't make a move to get up. A hand came down on my shoulder and gave a gentle shake.

"Come on Tayla, Olivia let me come get you. I know you are still mad but I want to be sorry but I am not. I just..."

"... You just don't want another reason for Scar to hurt me. I know. I am not blind, just a hacker."

He smiled at me and got up.

"Well then Tayla, I am gonna recommend you to wear something that you are not used to wearing. It will shock Scar and help you when you get there."

I nodded and he left. I walk to my closet removing my wrinkled t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed something I normally never wore other then when I worked at my tattoo parlor. I put on the leather legging and black tank with a bright red leather jacket. I put on a pair of black flats that supported your foot like a dance shoe. I grabbed my satchel that held my laptop and phone. I walked down the stairs to the meeting room.

"I see you took my advice."

"I did, but it is an old look I don't think it will shock anyone."

"Uh, I don't know it shocked all of us."

I nodded then I heard the elevator ding. I felt myself get uptight and straighten a bit more. I heard Scar walk in and just looked at me.

"I see you went back to your old style. Olivia, If you would please take Tay up, there is a van waiting for her."

I saw Victor make a move forward and AJ grab his arm to hold him back. He glared at him but all together stopped.

"Scar, There is no need to have Olivia escort me. I don't plan on making a run for it. Sides they have a plan to go over with you."

I walked to the open elevator doors and turned to look at the group and gave a little wave.


And the doors shut giving some time to myself. Once the doors opened again I saw the van Scar was talking about and walked over to it. I got in the back and tapped the window that separates me from the driver. The window went down. The driver wore dark sunglasses and hand slicked back black hair. He wore a nice suit and looked almost like a secret agent. Which in a way he was.

"I believe you are supposed to me to the doctors."

He nodded and the window went up. All the locks in the van locked and the windows had cages go up around them. That is not scary. Nope not at all. I went to the bench and lay down. I fell asleep and just went with it. I wanted to make sure that I didn't have any way of wanting to freak out.

"Hello, deary time to wake up."

I sat up only to notice I was in a straight jacket. I looked around and glared at everyone around me. I mean I was stuck in a straight jacket after all. They were all wearing lab coats and bulky goggles. I was grabbed roughly and pushed out of the van. I was then put on a stretcher and pushed into a building. I was then placed in a chair and strapped down so I couldn't move. Not like I was going anywhere while in this outfit. How I ended up in it was beyond me. I guess they didn't want me fighting at all. I heard the buzz of hair clippers and then I felt my hair being tugged back roughly. Then I was seeing my long blonde locks falling to the ground. I didn't fight at my hair that used to fall to my waist was turned to a pixie cut.

"She doesn't fight now does she?"

"You shouldn't talk like SHE is not here. Because I am very well here."

They all exchanged a look.

"It speaks and is quite... Snappy."

"I think we can fix that."

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