Part Two: Chapter Eleven

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 It has been years since I been taken by an assassin organization. It has even been years since I have seen my team but it is for the best. Since the day I have gotten the injection the first of pure pain I haven't aged a day. My hair is back to a normal brown color that comes to my but when I change, when she takes over it is back into a shoulder length blood red style that I hate. I also figured out how to shed my skin. I can change to make myself look different and sometimes I do that if I find a mission that requires me to go in an area more than once. I also found a new home along the south side of town. Polo and his brother took me in claiming they owe me anyways. My little house was one of the nicer ones with four walls and a rough. I had my own cute furniture and mailbox like a normal person. The only curse was watching people age and die while I stayed exactly the same unless I shed my skin. Polo's brother unfortunately died in a shooting with the police. He jumped in front of a little girl that was going to get hit by one of the thugs but died after losing too much blood. It sucked not being able to do anything. Polo was still around but he was no longer around anymore. He was the top dog now. Jenna made him the boss of all her old jobs. Jenna nowadays moved away. Her powers have kept her semi yong. She still aged just a lot slower compared to the average. Her powers grew with her as well. She has the same flexibility as a cat and has a speed of a cheetah. I don't know where she moved but I have ran into her on multiple occasions when I was ona mission. She still looks out for number one but she will feed away information for a price of course but that was expected.

The knocks on the door stirred me from thoughts. I got up going to the door. One of the local kids where at the door clutching money asking for help. When I was home I was the town doctor. My blood and poison was good at helping the human body fight off illness and potions. I nodded grabbing my black leather coat from the hook and closing the door locking it behind me. I smiled and followed the girl to a dirty yellow house. I walked in and the sound of coughing a weezing echoed around me. I saw an older man and woman. The man was shivering, wrapped in a thin blanket and the women was trying to feed him soup. I walked over putting my hand to his forehead. He was hot which caused my cold blooded self to be attracted to it. I grabbed the warm water soup from the women before biting my wrist letting the blood fall. I let a few drops of venom to drip from my nail and then I mixed it. I handed the bowl and spoon back to the lady and she started feeding her husband immediately. I watched as some color returned to his cheeks and his coughs started to fade. I patted the little girl.

"I would give him a couple more days in bed and he should be fine."

The family started to nod and the mom started to thank me and God in spanish I believe. I smiled and took that as my moment to leave. I put the money that the little girl gave me on the side table before waking out. I don't take money for those that actually need help. The man was dying and I could see that. His family needs him. I reached my house only to see someone sitting in my chair on the porch.

"Hey Tay, it has been a while."

My mouth dropped open. Honestly I barely recognized him. I mean he looked that same, but his hair wasn't a reddish brown anymore it was back to its black color. I smiled and walked up sitting next to him.

"AJ, How you been, you look same old same old."

He smiled.

"I wish I was here to chit chat but I am not. Tay I got a target. It isn't you or Vic. He is a lot older but I recognized him and I can't do this alone. God I can't do it now."

"AJ calm down who is it?"

I saw his leg start bouncing up and down and he kept playing with the ring he always wore on his left thumb.

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