Final Chapter: Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up with a massive headache. The others were surrounding Victor and asking Vega ton of questions.

I can feel you are angry and the head tramam is not helping. I can come out if you want.

"Don't you dare."

The others turned to look as me. AJ crouched down so he was eye level with me.

"Is she talking to you?"

I slowly nodded and grabbed my head creating small amount of pressure on my temples. I got up quickly. I wavered slightly if AJ wasn't there I would of fallen back to the ground. I saw Victor staring at me intently. Like he was studying my ever move. Vega was doing the same. I glared harshly in there direction and i felt AJ tighten his grip. I could feel my skin shift but this time the snake wasn't in control. I ripped my arm free from his grip and stormed over. Vega tried to get in front of me to stop me but I was stronger and older so I easily dodged her. I grabbed Victor by the neck slamming him in the wall.

"You ever threaten me again I will not hesitate to snap your neck. Don't ever come near me again. You made me this way accept it."

I dropped him and stepped over Vega that was still lying on the floor. I shifted back and took a deep breath before grabbing my bag and going to the front to exit the plane.

See what did I say, we are the same.

This time I didn't fight with her I accepted it. We were no longer separate personalities, we were one.

The outside air was exactly what I expected. Hot and humid. I looked behind me to see AJ right there. He gave me a questioning look before taking my bags and placing them on the dried land along with his.

"Tay, you were in control and morphed. Please tell me you didn't do something stupid with the snake because you know she will double cross you just like she does everyone."

I could feel a smile tug at the corners on my lips. I could feel a new kind of power form in me that is nothing that I have felt before. I spent so long fighting her but working with her has shown me a new power. I could feel what she felt but I knew it was what I felt as well.

"I did nothing. Nothing at all. I just accepted it. I am not normal but I can figure out a way to seem normal."

"Tay you didn't. You know if you give in and become one that they will cloud your judgement."

"It seems like the only person that is clouding my judgement is you. Maybe that is why you still have two personalities to deal with. Isn't that a hassle. Just except it. You will feel better after. Trust me."

I grabbed my bags from the dirt. I saw the black SUV that we ordered and made my way over. I could feel AJ's stares on me but I was too angry and spiteful about other things to care. I climbed into the back and slam the door shut. I looked at the mirror in the front. I broke in an evil smile and saw my eyes start to glow. I could see the fangs peek out slightly. I laughed again and let them go back into hiding. I looked up to see that Vega climbed into the passenger seat. She turned and looked at me.

"I hope you realize I can smell snake so you are obviously not Tay."

I smiled.

"You are right but you are wrong. If you are upset by that then you can scurry away just like any other puppy."

"You may be older than I am but I am protector and I will kill you if I have to. I don't care if you were my friend before you are an evil snake at this point."

I smiled and quickly moved grabbing her in a choke hold yanking her back to the seat. I got close to her seat.

"I would like to see you try."

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