Chapter Ten

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The facility we came to had no guards whatsoever and even when we did run into a few the new chicks took care of them while Vic and i took care of the task at hand like the old days. I looked through each window but could not see anything that gave me a clue.

"Awe are the groupie back so soon."

I turned to see the agent I never wanted to see again. I was surprised he wasn't dead. Then AJ stepped out from behind him. I was shocked to say the least. He no longer looked like AJ. He had spiked that stuck out along his spine and a two larger ones that were on his elbows. Then where his wrist two long tallans came out covering the back of his and that went to a point a few inches away from his knuckles. He then has a long tail similar to a scorpions. But the worst feature was his eyes which were completely dark brown. There was no sign of white in them. Victor pulled out his gun and I put my hand up pushing the barrel down.

"You need to get out of here."

"I have special abilities too you know."

"Yeah no not like ours. Let me deal with them."

He shook his head but put his gun away. He stepped away and the agent looked up at him with respect.

"Smart move, What about you Tayla."

I smiled and shifted my form.

"I think you are messing with the wrong snake today."

I looked at the closest guard.

"Shoot them."

The agent started laughing but quickly stops when the guard starts shooting no questions asked. He dodged looking stunned. AJ well who used to be AJ came running at me. I let out an evil hiss and unleashed my claws. He cut me I cut him. But the positions being so strong canceled each other out.

"AJ! Snap out of it. This is not you!"

He didn't say anything just kept swinging at me. I forgot about the tale until something sharp pierced through my back going through my abdomen. It went away but I fell clutching the blood spot that was forming on my shirt. I felt someone catch me and I looked up to see Vic. I looked over and saw AJ looking around confused before morphing back and then turning to the guards attacking.


Everyone froze like they were in one of my trances. The wound healed and I got to my feet but no one moved except for Vic, AJ and me. I waved my hand in front of their faces but they didn't react or move an inch. I shrugged and got up.

"Have you ever done that before?"

I looked over at Vic a little frightened myself.


"Well I don't know what happened, I kinda lost myself for a minute but can we get out of here?"

I looked at AJ and ran giving him a hug but he quickly pushed me away.

"I don't want to hurt you. I never know when he will take over."

I tilted my head to the side.

"Who is he, AJ?"

He looked down then switched his eyes like mine and looked at me before they switched back.

"The Scorpion. They gave me one more injection compared to you. They were planning to get you and him and finish."

"AJ what are you talking about, only the Doctors can finish the injections."

He started passing and shaking his head.

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