Chapter Twelve

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The next morning I woke up but the snake was still there. I was stuck in the middle of the room. I refused to go out when she was in control of my movements.

You will have to gout there sooner or later. You do have a plan to catch, but then again one of your teammates will come to the door.

"I will not let you kill my friends."

Great friends you have. Turn their back when you needed them the most but like usually you have to take action.

"That was not their fault I told them to go."

But they also left AJ and if they were there you may not be in the situation you are in.

"Yeah and you wouldn't be here but you know you are going to be the death of yourself. You are snake. You won't be able to stay two faced forever."

You are getting smart but too late to do anything. As we talk you know that the DNA the original DNA is deteriorating.

"I know and until I am dead you are going to wish you were able to deteriorate the DNA faster because I will make sure you kill us faster. I still have a sway."

You wish honey now I think it is time to get going.

Without my consent I headed to the door. I grabbed my other bag that I didn't remember packing but of course I wouldn't remember if I wasn't the one to pack it. I held a smiled and walked out. I grabbed the same bag from the days before and walked to the table setting the bags there. I walked down the hall and started knocking on the doors. I heard everyone groan and complain but they were up. AJ was the first to come out.

"How are you feeling today, Tayla? You were overly upset last night."

I shrugged and forced a smile.

"I am better but we should really hurry up. I.. I mean we have a plain to catch."

"Still not used to working with people I see."

"You could say that."

He walked over gently grabbing my arm and waking out. He closed the porch door and took a seat at the swing.

"Ok Serpent, I don't know what you did but I can't say anything. I want to warn the others but I can't. You should know by know that I another person with alter DNA can be held under your compilation."

"I see. I knew that but I found a way. A way to phrase to enter a region of the brain to make sure that my wants stay official."

"I am surprised that you figured it out. I have yet to figure out to use me abilities on the DNA altered."

I smiled.

"That is because it isn't the scorpion is not in the light. The power behind him is not at the full until you let him. Tayla only did it by accident. Now this conversation will stay between us again, understood?"

He nodded his head and smiled.

"Even if I tried I wouldn't be able to."

I smiled and nodded my head.

"I was just making sure. It is time to go back inside the others will be waiting. I hope you are not having any doubts."

"Trust me I am having a lot of doubts."

I smiled and I felt myself start getting back some light. I walked back in with a smile upon my face. AJ followed. I looked at the bags and the group that were gathered around. I smiled, folding my hands.

"We have a long trip and two cars. Pick a car and put your bags in it. Victor and Vega and I get our own car. Jenna and Jacy will be with me. They are my girls. AJ go with Vic. Now let's go."

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