Chapter Three

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The trip back to the base was dead silent. Victor stared at me the whole way back and Scar refused to meet my eyes. I was still confused about the extent of my powers and confused on why I was being stared at. I didn't feel anything about it. Just confused.

"Ok Victor, what is it? Do I have something on my face or something?"

He smiled and looked to the floor then back to me.

"No. I am just trying to figure out what all they did except for the obvious. I know what they did to me, I just don't understand why they would do something so different compared to me."

I smiled.

"Well they did injections for the most part. They said I handled it better than you. Out of what I heard you were kind of a sissy."

"I see they took away your feeling, well emotion. Give it a few weeks your emotions will be back."

I shook my head.

"I don't want them back. With them I was week. Vulnerable."

"You won't be saying that when they come back. You won't be saying that when the head aches first hit. You for sure won't be saying it after your first week of nonstop missions..."

"Victor shush."

I snapped my attention to Scar and saw him glaring at us through the mirror. I smiled to myself before looking back out through the tinted windows. It was like being reborn. I saw everything in a new way. Instead of seeing people I saw targets. Ones that were innocent and others that had a stench of guilt to them.

We pulled up to a building. It wasn't warn down like the doctor's buildings. It was ok. It was nice and had a few stories. Scar pulled into a grudge with a variety of transportation devices. I was a bit shocked and excited to see every type of speed demon device I could get my hands on. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

"Calm down Tayla, you will have your excitement soon enough. For right now we need to re introduce you to the rest of the team."

I rolled my eyes at the boss as we pulled to a stop.

"It is not like I don't know them. I did work here before you know all this happened. They were boring."


"Now now Victor, you were the same way when you were all done. Don't get too hurt by her words. She will come back around but until then I am gonna put her to good use. Doc gave her some improvements I would like to test out."

"Test out? Oh so is she your tool now. Just like I was. Is that it? Well news flash. The doc may erased her emotions now but they will come back and when they do. You are going to have a hell of a time controlling her with all that power running through her veins. You thought I was bad. You saw what she did to the guards. I am pretty sure I let them live and just killed the inmates. Keep in mind what the doc did to her is a lot worse then what he did to me."

With that he stormed away. I smirked and looked at the boss.

"Would you like me to go teach him a lesson?"

He smiled at my words.

"That would be a negative Cobra. I think he just needs to cool off. I think it is time for you to go see the others though. They may not recognize you right away. Just keep that in mind."

I shook my head.

"And I am supposed to care why. I am here for one reason and one reason only. To serve you and the people. Those that corrupt the system deserve to die."

He smiled again.

"Wow, the doctor sure did a number on you."

"I guess he did. Now can you take me to my room. I have a few systems to get into. Doc gave me a mission and I need to send that info to him right away."

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