Chapter Six

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As soon as we were outside the building. I nodded my head to the girls to pull their masks on. They both drew out pistols and I pulled one out from my back pocket. It felt foreign in my hand and a bit too heavy for my liking but it will have to do. As soon as we walked the metal detectors went off. I guess Joe didn't think to turn those off for a split second. The security guard Looked at us and went to pull his taser out but I shot him in between the eyes. I nodded to the others to follow me. Dead people littered the hallways. We kept our eyes open for anything. Once we got to the door I opened it as quietly as I could but the hinges let out a squeak giving us away. The lights were off except for one that was on a beat up Victor tied to a chair. I made a beeline for the chair and started working on the knots. I felt a cold barrel pressed against my neck. I stopped what I was doing and slowly turned around.

"Are you the one I had the pleasure talking to."

I kept my face blank and said nothing. I made eye contact to the other two which they made their way over and pointed their guns at the scientist. They didn't say anything but I could tell she was a bit shocked to see two more females other than myself in the room. They gestured her to go to the side. I turned back and started cutting away the ropes.

"Is someone going to talk or am I gonna wait for you to kill your own partner?"

I stopped again and got up walking over to the dark hair girl. I rose an eyebrow and waited for her to talk. She shook her head no and I knew what was coming next.

"I will not talk until someone other than me start talking."

I pulled out my phone and started typing.

"Fine I am now talking in a way, so please further elaborate."

She couldn't see the smirk under my mask but the robotic voice from my phone would do for talking. She rolled her eyes but knew she was outsmarted.

"Any pressure is released around his joints a serum will enter his veins causing the first DNA alteration to happen. And saying I chose Scorpion DNA I doubt he will survive. Good thing you didn't get those ropes off."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the others.

"Take your masks off there is no point in trying to stay hidden she doesn't know who we are."

They nodded and we lowered our black cloths. She smiled at us and pushed away from the wall. She walked over to Vic and placed he small hands on her shoulders.

"Know if no one starts talking I will cut the first rope."

I turned to the other girls and nodded. Olivia let out a small groan and stepped forward.

"What do you want from us?"

She smiled.

"Well that eliminates one of you. I want to know who sent you."

Olivia shrugged.

"We don't know. We get a target and we kill them. You were the target."

"So you just kill no questions asked. Do you not have a conscious?"

"Uh we all have a conscious. You gotta do what you gotta do to pay the bills."

Haylee about stepped forward to say something but gestured for her to wait. The scientist started laughing.

"You have no bills to pay. I can tell just by the looks of you all. You are all probably hidden away and trained to be what you are."

Olivia sent a sinister smile and let out a laugh.

"You think you have us all figured out do you? You think you have us all figured out that we have no surprises up our sleeves..."

Before she could give anything else away I jumped forward shushing her. I got close to her ear so the scientist couldn't hear me.

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