Chapter Four

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I didn't move after Victor left I just kinda wandered around. So basically I didn't sleep.

"Heya, Tay, you ready for your first mission."

I looked over to my doorway to see Joe standing there with a big goofy smile on his face. I smiled back and nodded. I went to my room really quick and changed into black leggings and a tank with a leather jacket over it. I walked down to the meeting room to see the whole team there.

"Tayla, you want actual gear not well that."

Haylee gestured to my outfit and I just shrugged and shook my head no. Victor had a small smile. Olivia walked up with two pistols in hand. Her pistols and offered them to me. I politely shook my head no. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Tayla you need some kind of weapon."

I smiled and held up my hand. My claws replaced my nails. My evil smile grew.

"I have these."

"Tayla, those are as good as knives you need something in case you can't get close to the target."

"There is no need to worry, Olivia. Tayla is trained, she will be able to get close."

We all turned to see Scar. He had a small smirk and had a file. He handed it over to me. I saw a picture of a man with tats that covered his left arm. His dark hair was thick and sparkled with touches of gray.

"Your target is a man who decided to make a deal with the Doc and not keep his end of the bargain. Kill him and bring that back."

He pointed to another picture that was of a deadly knife with special engravings in it. I rolled my eyes and shut the file. I tossed it to the table and walked out with Victor and Scar close on my heels.

"Tayla, you are gonna need this. Put it in your ear and you will be able to hear and communicate with me and Joe. If anything starts going south get out of there and say code red."

"Victor this is her mission she will be fine. You saw what she could do."

"I completely understand that sir, but mistakes can happen."

I turned to face the two boys.

"If you want to talk then fine talk, but don't talk like I am not here."

I turned back around as soon as the doors opened. I walked out and found the black Jeep that I was instructed to take. I opened the passenger's door while Victor climbed in the driver's. I looked back at Scar and sent him a glare and flashed my serpent eyes a bit. He needed to back off and put some trust in the system. I was only doing this because I wanted some field work but clean up work is not my specialties. It is just a waste of time.

"Tayla, you should put the earpiece in. We will be there in 4 minutes."

I nodded and put the piece of plastic in my ear.

"Also, Tayla. You may want to descale yourself."

I looked down and saw that my scales came out again. I willed them away just as we stopped outside the meeting location. It was a local club where many of the more wealthy people went. I got off the car and Victor drove away leaving me a few blocks from the joint. I looked at the general public that was going in and I looked casual compared to them. I looked around not really used to what was going on. I walked up to the security guards which I was stopped.

"Heya, girly, what do you think you are doing. This is a VIP club only."

I smiled and looked up at the bouncer.

"I am sorry. I know that. I am just here on some business."

He crossed his arms.

"I can't let you through, I don't remember seeing you on the list tonight."

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